>  jsonb_extract_xx_type just cares about the argtype, but
> 'explain select xx'  will still access the const->constvalue.
> const->constvalue is 0 which is set by makeNullConst currently,
> and it is ok for the current supported type.

The exception is numeric data type, the constvalue can't be 0.
so hack it with the below line.  maybe not good enough,  but I
have no better solution now.

+                       Const   *target =
+                       /*
+                        * Since all the above functions are strict, we
can't input
+                        * a NULL value.
+                        */
+                       target->constisnull = false;
+                       Assert(target->constbyval || target->consttype ==
+                       /* Mock a valid datum for !constbyval type. */
+                       if (fexpr->funcresulttype == NUMERICOID)
+                               target->constvalue =
DirectFunctionCall1(numeric_in, CStringGetDatum("0"));

Best Regards
Andy Fan

Attachment: v7-0001-optimize-casting-jsonb-to-a-given-type.patch
Description: Binary data

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