On 7/8/2023 19:15, Ashutosh Bapat wrote:
On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 2:21 PM Andrey Lepikhov
<a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru <mailto:a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru>> wrote:
>> Do you think that the memory measurement patch I have shared in
those threads is useful in itself? If so, I will start another
proposal to address it.
> For me, who is developing the planner in this thread, the memory
> measurement patch is useful. However, most users do not care about
> memory usage, so there is room for consideration. For example, making
> the metrics optional in EXPLAIN ANALYZE outputs might be better.
+1. Any memory-related info in the output of EXPLAIN ANALYZE makes
more complex because of architecture dependency.
As far as the tests go, the same is the case with planning time and
execution time. They change even without changing the architecture. But
we have tests which mask the actual values. Something similar will be
done to the planning memory.
It is a positive thing to access some planner internals from the
console, of course. My point is dedicated to the structuration of an
EXPLAIN output and is caused by two reasons:
1. I use the EXPLAIN command daily to identify performance issues and
the optimiser's weak points. According to the experience, when you have
an 'explain analyze' containing more than 100 strings, you try removing
unnecessary information to improve observability. It would be better to
have the possibility to see an EXPLAIN with different levels of the
output details. Flexibility here reduces a lot of manual work, sometimes.
2. Writing extensions and having an explain analyze in the regression
test, we must create masking functions just to make the test more
stable. That additional work can be avoided with another option, like
So, in my opinion, it would be better to introduce this new output data
guarded by additional option.
I will propose it as a separate patch in the next commitfest and will
seek opinions from other hackers.
Cool, good news.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional