On Fri, Aug 4, 2023 at 10:36 AM David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The whole lnext() stuff all feels a bit old now that Lists are arrays.
> I think we'd be better adjusting the code to pass the List index where
> we start from rather than the ListCell to start from.  That way we can
> use for_each_from() to iterate rather than for_each_cell().  What's
> there today feels a bit crufty and there's some element of danger that
> the given ListCell does not even belong to the given List.

I think we can go even further to do the same for 'bushy plans' case,
like the attached.


Attachment: v2-0001-join_search_one_level-tidyup.patch
Description: Binary data

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