On 2023-Jul-17, Nathan Bossart wrote:

> @@ -35,7 +42,11 @@ binaryheap_allocate(int capacity, binaryheap_comparator 
> compare, void *arg)
>       binaryheap *heap;
>       sz = offsetof(binaryheap, bh_nodes) + sizeof(Datum) * capacity;
> +#ifdef FRONTEND
> +     heap = (binaryheap *) pg_malloc(sz);
> +#else
>       heap = (binaryheap *) palloc(sz);
> +#endif

Hmm, as I recall fe_memutils.c provides you with palloc() in the
frontend environment, so you don't actually need this one.

Álvaro Herrera        Breisgau, Deutschland  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"It takes less than 2 seconds to get to 78% complete; that's a good sign.
A few seconds later it's at 90%, but it seems to have stuck there.  Did
somebody make percentages logarithmic while I wasn't looking?"

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