On 2023-04-28 Fr 05:25, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
On 2023-Feb-05, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
So here's a diff made from running perltidy v20221112 with the additional
settingĀ --valign-exclusion-list=", = => || && if unless"
I ran this experimentally with perltidy 20230309, and compared that with
the --novalign behavior (not to propose the latter -- just to be aware
of what else is vertical alignment doing.)
Thanks for looking.
Based on the differences between both, I think we'll definitely want to
include =~ and |= in this list, and I think we should discuss whether to
also include "or" (for "do_stuff or die()" type of constructs) and "qw"
(mainly used in 'use Foo qw(one two)' import lists). All these have
effects (albeit smaller than the list you gave) on our existing code.
I'm good with all of these I think
If you change from an exclusion list to --novalign then you lose
alignment of trailing # comments, which personally I find a loss, even
though they're still a multi-line effect. Another change would be that
it ditches alignment of "{" but that only changes msvc/Install.pm, so I
think we shouldn't worry; and then there's this one:
-use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils ();
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils ();
use PostgreSQL::Test::BackgroundPsql ();
which I think we could just change to qw() if we cared enough (but I bet
we don't).
Yeah, me too.
All in all, I think sticking to
--valign-exclusion-list=", = => =~ |= || && if or qw unless"
is a good deal.
Andrew Dunstan