Andrew Dunstan <> writes:
>> For some reason which makes no sense to me the buildfarm animal fails 
>> at the first Stop-Db step. The DB is actually stopped, but pg_ctl 
>> returns a non-zero status. The thing that's really odd is that meson 
>> isn't at all involved in this step. But it's happened enough that I've 
>> had to back off using meson builds on fairywren - I'm going to do more 
>> testing on a new Windows instance.

> Here's a simple illustration of the problem. If I do the identical test 
> with a non-meson build there is no problem:

> pgrunner@EC2AMAZ-GCB871B UCRT64 ~/bf
> $ /usr/bin/perl -e 'chdir "root/HEAD/instkeep.2023-04-25_11-09-41"; 
> system("bin/pg_ctl -D data-C -l logfile stop") ; print "fail\n" if $?; '
> waiting for server to shut

Looking at the pg_ctl source code, the only way I can explain that
printout is that do_stop called wait_for_postmaster_stop which,
after one or more loops, exited via one of its exit() calls.
The lack of any message can be explained if we imagine that
write_stderr() output is going to the bit bucket.  I'd start by
changing those write_stderr's to print_msg(), which visibly
does work; that should confirm the existence of the stderr
issue and show you how wait_for_postmaster_stop is failing.

                        regards, tom lane

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