David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> writes:
> I don't think that's really going to help.  The crash already tells us
> there's a problem down the line, but if the commit you mention is to
> blame for this, then the problem is elsewhere, either in our
> assumption that we can get away without the datumCopy() or in the
> aggregate function producing the state that we're no longer copying.

It does smell like the aggregate output has been corrupted by the time
it got to the plpgsql function.  I don't particularly want to try to
synthesize a test case from the essentially-zero SQL-level information
we've been provided, though.  And I doubt we can track this down without
a test case.  So please try to sanitize the case you have enough that
you can share it.

                        regards, tom lane

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