Hi hackers! Recently we faced a problem with one of our production clusters. Problem was with pg_upgrade, the reason was an invalid pg_dump of cluster schema. in pg_dump sql there was strange records like
REVOKE SELECT,INSERT,DELETE,UPDATE ON TABLE *relation* FROM "144841"; but there is no role "144841" We did dig in, and it turns out that 144841 was OID of previously-deleted role. I have reproduced issue using simple test extension yoext(1). SQL script: create role user1; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT select ON TABLES TO user1; create extension yoext; drop owned by user1; select * from pg_init_privs where privtype = 'e'; drop role user1; select * from pg_init_privs where privtype = 'e'; result of execution (executed on fest master from commit 17feb6a566b77bf62ca453dec215adcc71755c20): psql (16devel) Type "help" for help. postgres=# postgres=# postgres=# create role user1; CREATE ROLE postgres=# ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES IN SCHEMA public GRANT select ON TABLES TO user1; ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES postgres=# create extension yobaext ; CREATE EXTENSION postgres=# drop owned by user1; DROP OWNED postgres=# select * from pg_init_privs where privtype = 'e'; objoid | classoid | objsubid | privtype | initprivs --------+----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------------------------- 16387 | 1259 | 0 | e | {reshke=arwdDxtm/reshke,user1=r/reshke,=r/reshke} (1 row) postgres=# drop role user1; DROP ROLE postgres=# select * from pg_init_privs where privtype = 'e'; objoid | classoid | objsubid | privtype | initprivs --------+----------+----------+----------+--------------------------------------------------- 16387 | 1259 | 0 | e | {reshke=arwdDxtm/reshke,16384=r/reshke,=r/reshke} (1 row) As you can see, after drop role there is invalid records in pg_init_privs system relation. After this, pg_dump generate sql statements, some of which are based on content of pg_init_privs, resulting in invalid dump. PFA fix. The idea of fix is simply drop records from pg_init_privs while dropping role. Records with grantor of grantee equal to oid of dropped role will erase. after that, pg_dump works ok. Implementation comment: i failed to find proper way to alloc acl array, so defined some acl.c internal function `allocacl` in header. Need to improve this somehow. [1] yoext https://github.com/reshke/yoext/
Description: Binary data