On 2022/10/19 13:25, Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
Thanks. the v6 patch pushed to master branch.
Since this commit, make_etags has started failing to generate tags files with the following error messages, on my MacOS. $ src/tools/make_etags /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/ctags: illegal option -- e usage: ctags [-BFadtuwvx] [-f tagsfile] file ... sort: No such file or directory In my MacOS, non-Exuberant ctags is installed and doesn't support -e option. But the commit changed make_etags so that it always calls ctags with -e option via make_ctags. This seems the cause of the above failure. IS_EXUBERANT="" ctags --version 2>&1 | grep Exuberant && IS_EXUBERANT="Y" make_ctags has the above code and seems to support non-Exuberant ctags. If so, we should revert the changes of make_etags by the commit and make make_etags work with that ctags? Or, we should support only Exuberant-type ctags (btw, I'm ok with this) and get rid of something like the above code? Regards, -- Fujii Masao Advanced Computing Technology Center Research and Development Headquarters NTT DATA CORPORATION