The following review has been posted through the commitfest application: make installcheck-world: tested, passed Implements feature: tested, passed Spec compliant: tested, passed Documentation: tested, passed
Hi Daniel, I have reviewed the patch and I liked it (well I did liked it already since it was a part of login trigger patch previously). All tests are passed and the manual experiments with all types of event triggers are also passed. Everything is fine and I think It can be marked as Ready for Committer, although I have one final question. There is a complete framework for disabling various types of the event triggers separately, but, the list of valid GUC values only include 'all' and 'none'. Why not adding support for all the event trigger types separately? Everything is already there in the patch; the only thing needed is expanding couple of enums. It's cheap in terms of code size and even cheaper in terms of performance. And moreover - it would be a good example for anyone adding new trigger types. The new status of this patch is: Waiting on Author