The autoconf system runs all tap tests in t/*.pl, but meson requires enumerating them in ./
This checks for and finds no missing tests in the current tree: $ for pl in `find src contrib -path '*/t/*.pl'`; do base=${pl##*/}; dir=${pl%/*}; meson=${dir%/*}/; grep "$base" "$meson" >/dev/null || echo "$base is missing from $meson"; done However, this finds two real problems and one false-positive with missing regress/isolation tests: $ for makefile in `find src contrib -name Makefile`; do for testname in `sed -r '/^(REGRESS|ISOLATION) =/!d; s///; :l; /\\\\$/{s///; N; b l}; s/\n//g' "$makefile"`; do meson=${makefile%/Makefile}/; grep -Fw "$testname" "$meson" >/dev/null || echo "$testname is missing from $meson"; done; done guc_privs is missing from src/test/modules/unsafe_tests/ oldextversions is missing from contrib/pg_stat_statements/ $(CF_PGP_TESTS) is missing from contrib/pgcrypto/ I also tried but failed to write something to warn if "meson test" was run with a list of tests but without tmp_install. Help wanted. I propose to put something like this into "SanityCheck". -- Justin