> On Jan 10, 2023, at 9:26 AM, Mark Dilger <mark.dil...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
>    -- Cryptographically connected to the encrypted record
>    patient_id  BIGINT NOT NULL,
>    patient_ssn CHAR(11),
>    -- The encrypted record
>    patient_record TEXT ENCRYPTED WITH (column_encryption_key = cek1,
>                                        column_encryption_salt = (patient_id, 
> patient_ssn)),

As you mention upthread, tying columns together creates problems for statements 
that only operate on a subset of columns.  Allowing schema designers a choice 
about tying the encrypted column to zero or more other columns allows them to 
choose which works best for their security needs.

The example above would make a statement like "UPDATE patient_record SET 
patient_record = $1 \bind '{some json whatever}'" raise an exception at the 
libpq client level, but maybe that's what schema designers wants it to do.  If 
not, they should omit the column_encryption_salt option in the create table 
statement; but if so, they should expect to have to specify the other columns 
as part of the update statement, possibly as part of the where clause, like

        UPDATE patient_record
                SET patient_record = $1
                WHERE patient_id = 12345
                  AND patient_ssn = '111-11-1111' 
                \bind '{some json record}'

and have the libpq get the salt column values from the where clause (which may 
be tricky to implement), or perhaps use some new bind syntax like

        UPDATE patient_record
                SET patient_record = ($1:$2,$3)   -- new, wonky syntax
                WHERE patient_id = $2
                  AND patient_ssn = $3 
                \bind '{some json record}' 12345 '111-11-1111'

which would be error prone, since the sql statement could specify the 
($1:$2,$3) inconsistently with the where clause, or perhaps specify the "new" 
salt columns even when not changed, like

        UPDATE patient_record
                SET patient_record = $1, patient_id = 12345, patient_ssn = 
                WHERE patient_id = 12345
                  AND patient_ssn = "111-11-1111"
                \bind '{some json record}'

which looks kind of nuts at first glance, but is grammatically consistent with 
cases where one or both of the patient_id or patient_ssn are also being 
changed, like

        UPDATE patient_record
                SET patient_record = $1, patient_id = 98765, patient_ssn = 
                WHERE patient_id = 12345
                  AND patient_ssn = "111-11-1111"
                \bind '{some json record}'

Or, of course, you can ignore these suggestions or punt them to some future 
patch that extends the current work, rather than trying to get it all done in 
the first column encryption commit.  But it seems useful to think about what 
future directions would be, to avoid coding ourselves into a corner, making 
such future work harder.

Mark Dilger
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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