Jakub Wartak wrote:

> It might be a not so well known fact (?) that CTEs are not executed
> with cursor when asked to do so, but instead silently executed with
> potential huge memory allocation going on. Patch is attached. My one
> doubt is that not every statement starting with "WITH" is WITH(..)
> SELECT of course.

Yes, that's why WITH queries are currently filtered out by the
FETCH_COUNT feature.

Case in point:

test=> begin;

test=> create table tbl(i int);

test=> declare psql_cursor cursor for
 with r(i) as (values (1))
 insert into tbl(i) select i from r;
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "insert"
LINE 3: insert into tbl(i) select i from r;

So the fix you're proposing would fail on that kind of queries.

A solution would be for psql to use PQsetSingleRowMode() to retrieve
results row-by-row, as opposed to using a cursor, and then allocate
memory for only FETCH_COUNT rows at a time. Incidentally it solves
other problems like queries containing multiple statements, that also
fail to work properly with cursors, or UPDATE/INSERT... RETURNING.. on
large number of rows that could also benefit from pagination in

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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