> > Explicitly
> > locking (assuming you stay in your lane) should only need to guard
> > against access from other
> > backends of this type if using shared buffers, so will be use-case 
> > dependent.
> I'm not sure what you mean here?

I'm mainly pointing out that the specific code that manages this
feature is the only one who has to worry about modifying said page

> > This does have a runtime overhead due to moving some offset
> > calculations from compile time to
> > runtime. It is thought that the utility of this feature will outweigh
> > the costs here.
> Have you done some benchmarking to give an idea of how much overhead we're
> talking about?

Not yet, but I am going to work on this.  I suspect the current code
could be improved, but will try to get some sort of measurement of the
additional overhead.

> > Candidates for page features include 32-bit or 64-bit checksums,
> > encryption tags, or additional
> > per-page metadata.
> >
> > While we are not currently getting rid of the pd_checksum field, this
> > mechanism could be used to
> > free up that 16 bits for some other purpose.
> IIUC there's a hard requirement of initdb-time initialization, as there's
> otherwise no guarantee that you will find enough free space in each page at
> runtime.  It seems like a very hard requirement for a full replacement of the
> current checksum approach (even if I agree that the current implementation
> limitations are far from ideal), especially since there's no technical reason
> that would prevent us from dynamically enabling data-checksums without doing
> all the work when the cluster is down.

As implemented, that is correct; we are currently assuming this
specific feature mechanism is set at initdb time only.  Checksums are
not the primary motivation here, but were something that I could use
for an immediate illustration of the feature.  That said, presumably
you could define a way to set the features per-relation (say with a
template field in pg_class) which would propagate to a relation on
rewrite, so there could be ways to handle things incrementally, were
this an overall goal.

Thanks for looking,


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