On 10/20/22 22:02, David Rowley wrote:
On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 at 13:34, David Rowley <dgrowle...@gmail.com> wrote:
So it looks like the same can be done for rank() and dense_rank() too.
I've added support for those in the attached.

The attached adds support for percent_rank(), cume_dist() and ntile().

Shouldn't it be able to detect that these two windows are the same and only do one WindowAgg pass?

explain (verbose, costs off)
select row_number() over w1,
       lag(amname) over w2
from pg_am
window w1 as (order by amname),
       w2 as (w1 rows unbounded preceding)

                           QUERY PLAN
   Output: (row_number() OVER (?)), lag(amname) OVER (?), amname
   ->  WindowAgg
         Output: amname, row_number() OVER (?)
         ->  Sort
               Output: amname
               Sort Key: pg_am.amname
               ->  Seq Scan on pg_catalog.pg_am
                     Output: amname
(9 rows)

Vik Fearing

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