Hello Zhihong,

> +               /* attribute is NOT to be copied from input */
> I think saying `is NOT copied from input` should suffice.
> +           /* fieldno is 0-index and attnum is 1-index */
> 0-index -> 0-indexed

I have applied both suggestions, thanks! I'll submit a 4th version
of the patch soon.

> +   defaults = (bool *) palloc0(num_phys_attrs * sizeof(bool));
> +   MemSet(defaults, false, num_phys_attrs * sizeof(bool));
> Is the MemSet() call necessary ?

I would say it is, so it initializes the array with all flags set to false.
Later, if it detects attributes that should evaluate their default
it would set the flag to true.

Am I missing something?



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