I wrote:
> I think what we should look at is extending the aggregate/window
> function APIs so that such functions can report where they put their
> output, and then we can nuke MemoryContextContains(), with the
> code code set up to assume that it has to copy if the called function
> didn't report anything.  The existing FunctionCallInfo.resultinfo
> mechanism (cf. ReturnSetInfo for SRFs) is probably the right thing
> to pass the flag through.

After studying the existing usages of MemoryContextContains, I think
there is a better answer, which is to just nuke them.

As far as I can tell, the datumCopy steps associated with aggregate
finalfns are basically useless.  They only serve to prevent
returning a pointer directly to the aggregate's transition value
(or, perhaps, to a portion thereof).  But what's wrong with that?
It'll last as long as we need it to.  Maybe there was a reason
back before we required finalfns to not scribble on the transition
values, but those days are gone.

The same goes for aggregate serialfns --- although there, I can't
avoid the feeling that the datumCopy step was just cargo-culted in.
I don't think there can exist a serialfn that doesn't return a
freshly-palloced bytea.

The one place where we actually need the conditional datumCopy is
with window functions, and even there I don't think we need it
in simple cases with only one window function.  The case that is
hazardous is where multiple window functions are sharing a
WindowObject.  So I'm content to optimize the single-window-function
case and just always copy if there's more than one.  (Sadly, there
is no existing regression test that catches this, so I added one.)

See attached.

                        regards, tom lane

diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c
index fe74e49814..45fcd37253 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/nodeAgg.c
@@ -1028,6 +1028,8 @@ process_ordered_aggregate_multi(AggState *aggstate,
  * The finalfn will be run, and the result delivered, in the
  * output-tuple context; caller's CurrentMemoryContext does not matter.
+ * (But note that in some cases, such as when there is no finalfn, the
+ * result might be a pointer to or into the agg's transition value.)
  * The finalfn uses the state as set in the transno. This also might be
  * being used by another aggregate function, so it's important that we do
@@ -1112,21 +1114,13 @@ finalize_aggregate(AggState *aggstate,
-		/* Don't need MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly; datumCopy will copy it */
-		*resultVal = pergroupstate->transValue;
+		*resultVal =
+			MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
+									   pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
+									   pertrans->transtypeLen);
 		*resultIsNull = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
-	/*
-	 * If result is pass-by-ref, make sure it is in the right context.
-	 */
-	if (!peragg->resulttypeByVal && !*resultIsNull &&
-		!MemoryContextContains(CurrentMemoryContext,
-							   DatumGetPointer(*resultVal)))
-		*resultVal = datumCopy(*resultVal,
-							   peragg->resulttypeByVal,
-							   peragg->resulttypeLen);
@@ -1176,19 +1170,13 @@ finalize_partialaggregate(AggState *aggstate,
-		/* Don't need MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly; datumCopy will copy it */
-		*resultVal = pergroupstate->transValue;
+		*resultVal =
+			MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(pergroupstate->transValue,
+									   pergroupstate->transValueIsNull,
+									   pertrans->transtypeLen);
 		*resultIsNull = pergroupstate->transValueIsNull;
-	/* If result is pass-by-ref, make sure it is in the right context. */
-	if (!peragg->resulttypeByVal && !*resultIsNull &&
-		!MemoryContextContains(CurrentMemoryContext,
-							   DatumGetPointer(*resultVal)))
-		*resultVal = datumCopy(*resultVal,
-							   peragg->resulttypeByVal,
-							   peragg->resulttypeLen);
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/nodeWindowAgg.c b/src/backend/executor/nodeWindowAgg.c
index 8b0858e9f5..ce860bceeb 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/nodeWindowAgg.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/nodeWindowAgg.c
@@ -630,20 +630,13 @@ finalize_windowaggregate(WindowAggState *winstate,
-		/* Don't need MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly; datumCopy will copy it */
-		*result = peraggstate->transValue;
+		*result =
+			MakeExpandedObjectReadOnly(peraggstate->transValue,
+									   peraggstate->transValueIsNull,
+									   peraggstate->transtypeLen);
 		*isnull = peraggstate->transValueIsNull;
-	/*
-	 * If result is pass-by-ref, make sure it is in the right context.
-	 */
-	if (!peraggstate->resulttypeByVal && !*isnull &&
-		!MemoryContextContains(CurrentMemoryContext,
-							   DatumGetPointer(*result)))
-		*result = datumCopy(*result,
-							peraggstate->resulttypeByVal,
-							peraggstate->resulttypeLen);
@@ -1057,13 +1050,14 @@ eval_windowfunction(WindowAggState *winstate, WindowStatePerFunc perfuncstate,
 	*isnull = fcinfo->isnull;
-	 * Make sure pass-by-ref data is allocated in the appropriate context. (We
-	 * need this in case the function returns a pointer into some short-lived
-	 * tuple, as is entirely possible.)
+	 * The window function might have returned a pass-by-ref result that's
+	 * just a pointer into one of the WindowObject's temporary slots.  That's
+	 * not a problem if it's the only window function using the WindowObject;
+	 * but if there's more than one function, we'd better copy the result to
+	 * ensure it's not clobbered by later window functions.
 	if (!perfuncstate->resulttypeByVal && !fcinfo->isnull &&
-		!MemoryContextContains(CurrentMemoryContext,
-							   DatumGetPointer(*result)))
+		winstate->numfuncs > 1)
 		*result = datumCopy(*result,
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/window.out b/src/test/regress/expected/window.out
index 55dcd668c9..170bea23c2 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/window.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/window.out
@@ -657,6 +657,23 @@ select first_value(max(x)) over (), y
          ->  Seq Scan on tenk1
 (4 rows)
+-- window functions returning pass-by-ref values from different rows
+select x, lag(x, 1) over (order by x), lead(x, 3) over (order by x)
+from (select x::numeric as x from generate_series(1,10) x);
+ x  | lag | lead 
+  1 |     |    4
+  2 |   1 |    5
+  3 |   2 |    6
+  4 |   3 |    7
+  5 |   4 |    8
+  6 |   5 |    9
+  7 |   6 |   10
+  8 |   7 |     
+  9 |   8 |     
+ 10 |   9 |     
+(10 rows)
 -- test non-default frame specifications
 SELECT four, ten,
 	sum(ten) over (partition by four order by ten),
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/window.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/window.sql
index 57c39e796c..1138453131 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/window.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/window.sql
@@ -153,6 +153,10 @@ select first_value(max(x)) over (), y
   from (select unique1 as x, ten+four as y from tenk1) ss
   group by y;
+-- window functions returning pass-by-ref values from different rows
+select x, lag(x, 1) over (order by x), lead(x, 3) over (order by x)
+from (select x::numeric as x from generate_series(1,10) x);
 -- test non-default frame specifications
 SELECT four, ten,
 	sum(ten) over (partition by four order by ten),
diff --git a/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c b/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c
index 115a64cfe4..c80236d285 100644
--- a/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/mmgr/mcxt.c
@@ -224,10 +224,8 @@ MemoryContextResetOnly(MemoryContext context)
 		 * If context->ident points into the context's memory, it will become
 		 * a dangling pointer.  We could prevent that by setting it to NULL
 		 * here, but that would break valid coding patterns that keep the
-		 * ident elsewhere, e.g. in a parent context.  Another idea is to use
-		 * MemoryContextContains(), but we don't require ident strings to be
-		 * in separately-palloc'd chunks, so that risks false positives.  So
-		 * for now we assume the programmer got it right.
+		 * ident elsewhere, e.g. in a parent context.  So for now we assume
+		 * the programmer got it right.
@@ -482,15 +480,6 @@ MemoryContextAllowInCriticalSection(MemoryContext context, bool allow)
 GetMemoryChunkContext(void *pointer)
-	/*
-	 * Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can.
-	 * Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an
-	 * allocated chunk.
-	 */
-	Assert(pointer != NULL);
-	Assert(pointer == (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer));
-	/* adding further Asserts here? See pre-checks in MemoryContextContains */
 	return MCXT_METHOD(pointer, get_chunk_context) (pointer);
@@ -813,49 +802,6 @@ MemoryContextCheck(MemoryContext context)
- * MemoryContextContains
- *		Detect whether an allocated chunk of memory belongs to a given
- *		context or not.
- *
- * Caution: 'pointer' must point to a pointer which was allocated by a
- * MemoryContext.  It's not safe or valid to use this function on arbitrary
- * pointers as obtaining the MemoryContext which 'pointer' belongs to requires
- * possibly several pointer dereferences.
- */
-MemoryContextContains(MemoryContext context, void *pointer)
-	/*
-	 * Temporarily make this always return false as we don't yet have a fully
-	 * baked idea on how to make it work correctly with the new MemoryChunk
-	 * code.
-	 */
-	return false;
-#ifdef NOT_USED
-	MemoryContext ptr_context;
-	/*
-	 * NB: We must perform run-time checks here which GetMemoryChunkContext()
-	 * does as assertions before calling GetMemoryChunkContext().
-	 *
-	 * Try to detect bogus pointers handed to us, poorly though we can.
-	 * Presumably, a pointer that isn't MAXALIGNED isn't pointing at an
-	 * allocated chunk.
-	 */
-	if (pointer == NULL || pointer != (void *) MAXALIGN(pointer))
-		return false;
-	/*
-	 * OK, it's probably safe to look at the context.
-	 */
-	ptr_context = GetMemoryChunkContext(pointer);
-	return ptr_context == context;
  * MemoryContextCreate
  *		Context-type-independent part of context creation.
diff --git a/src/include/utils/memutils.h b/src/include/utils/memutils.h
index 52bc41ec53..4f6c5435ca 100644
--- a/src/include/utils/memutils.h
+++ b/src/include/utils/memutils.h
@@ -96,7 +96,6 @@ extern void MemoryContextAllowInCriticalSection(MemoryContext context,
 extern void MemoryContextCheck(MemoryContext context);
-extern bool MemoryContextContains(MemoryContext context, void *pointer);
 /* Handy macro for copying and assigning context ID ... but note double eval */
 #define MemoryContextCopyAndSetIdentifier(cxt, id) \

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