Kyotaro Horiguchi <> writes:
> Okay. the points you brought up above are sufficient grounds for not
> doing so.  Now they are in the following format.

> LOG: terminating process 16034 to release replication slot "rep1"
> because its restart_lsn 0/3158000 exceeds the limit by 15368192 bytes

This seems to me to be a pretty blatant violation of our first message
style guideline [1]:

    The primary message should be short, factual, and avoid reference to
    implementation details such as specific function names. “Short” means
    “should fit on one line under normal conditions”. Use a detail message
    if needed to keep the primary message short ...

I think you should leave the primary message alone and add a DETAIL,
as the first version of the patch did.

The existing "invalidating slot" message is already in violation
of this guideline, so splitting off a DETAIL from that seems
indicated as well.

                        regards, tom lane


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