On 2022-Sep-20, Matthias van de Meent wrote:

> Allow me to add: compressability
> In the thread surrounding [0] there were complaints about the size of
> catalogs, and specifically the template database. Significant parts of
> that (688kB of 8080kB a fresh PG14 database) are in pg_rewrite, which
> consists mostly of serialized Nodes. If we're going to replace our
> current NodeToText infrastructure, we'd better know we can effectively
> compress this data.

True.  Currently, the largest ev_action values compress pretty well.  I
think if we wanted this to be more succint, we would have to invent some
binary format -- perhaps something like Protocol Buffers: it'd be stored
in the binary format in catalogs, but for output it would be converted
into something easy to read (we already do this for
pg_statistic_ext_data for example).  We'd probably lose compressibility,
but that'd be okay because the binary format would already remove most
of the redundancy by nature.

Do we want to go there?

Álvaro Herrera               48°01'N 7°57'E  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"Java is clearly an example of money oriented programming"  (A. Stepanov)

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