Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 13.09.22 17:16, Tom Lane wrote:
>> What about it does not work?

> The problem is if another package or extension uses pg_config to find, 
> say, libdir, includedir, or bindir and integrates it into its own build 
> system or its own build products.  If those directories point to 
> /usr/local/pgsql/{bin,include,lib}, then there is no problem.  But if 
> they point to /usr/local/pgsql-14.5/{bin,include,lib}, then the next 
> minor update will break those other packages.

That seems ... a tad far-fetched, and even more to the point,
it'd be the other package's fault not ours.  We have never promised
that those directories point to anyplace that's not PG-specific.
I certainly do not buy that that's a good argument for breaking
Postgres installation setups that work today.

Also, there is nothing in that scenario that is in any way dependent
on the use of symlinks, or even absolute paths, so I don't quite
see the relevance to the current discussion.

                        regards, tom lane

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