Some more details, in case they're important:

First: the server has wal_compression=zstd (I wonder if something
doesn't allow/accomodate compressed FPI?)

I thought to mention that after compiling pg15 locally and forgetting to
use --with-zstd.

I compiled it to enable your debug logging, which wrote these during

< 2022-08-31 21:17:01.807 CDT  >NOTICE:  suppressing prefetch in relation 
1663/16888/165958212 from block 156 until 1201/1C3965A0 is replayed, which 
truncates the relation
< 2022-08-31 21:17:01.903 CDT  >NOTICE:  suppressing prefetch in relation 
1663/16888/165958523 from block 23 until 1201/1C39CC98 is replayed, which 
truncates the relation
< 2022-08-31 21:17:02.029 CDT  >NOTICE:  suppressing prefetch in relation 
1663/16888/165958523 from block 23 until 1201/1C8643C8 is replayed, because the 
relation is too small

Also, pg_waldump seems to fail early with -w:
[pryzbyj@template0 ~]$ sudo /usr/pgsql-15/bin/pg_waldump -w -R 1663/16881/2840 
-F vm -p /mnt/tmp/15/data/pg_wal 00000001000012010000001C 
rmgr: Heap2       len (rec/tot):     64/   122, tx:          0, lsn: 
1201/1CAF2658, prev 1201/1CAF2618, desc: VISIBLE cutoff xid 3681024856 flags 
0x01, blkref #0: rel 1663/16881/2840 fork vm blk 0 FPW, blkref #1: rel 
1663/16881/2840 blk 54
pg_waldump: error: error in WAL record at 1201/1CD90E48: invalid record length 
at 1201/1CD91010: wanted 24, got 0

Also, the VM has crashed with OOM before, while runnning pg15, with no issue in
recovery.  I haven't been able to track down the cause..

The VM is running: kernel-3.10.0-1160.66.1.el7.x86_64

pgsql is an ext4 FS (no tablespaces), which is a qemu block device
exposed like:

      <driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none' io='native'/>
      <target dev='vdg' bus='virtio'/>

It's nowhere near full:

/dev/vdc          96G    51G   46G  53% /var/lib/pgsql

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