Ășt 30. 8. 2022 v 16:36 odesĂ­latel Christoph Berg <m...@debian.org> napsal:

> Re: Pavel Stehule
> > pspg requires all lines to have the same width. It can do some
> corrections
> > - but it is hard to detect wanted differences or just plain text format.
> >
> > can be nice to have the first invisible row with some information about
> > used formatting. pspg does some heuristic but this code is not nice and
> it
> > is fragile.
> I like pspg and use it myself, but I don't think a tool that does the
> right thing by hiding a full screen of ---- from the user should
> hinder making the same progress in psql with a simple pager.

ASCII allows to set some metadata, that should be invisible in all
correctly implemented pagers.

> Christoph

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