Andres Freund <> writes:
> = Log and Data locations =

> To make things like the selection of log files for a specific test easier,
> I've so far set it up so that test data and logs are stored in a separate
> directory from the sources.

> testrun/<main|recovery|...>/<testname>/<log|tmp_check|results...>

> I do wonder if we should put test data and log files in a separate directory
> tree, but that'd be a bit more work probably.

I'm confused, didn't you just say you already did that?

> Here's an example output that you mostly should be able to make sense of now:

TBH, this seems to be almost all the same sort of useless noise that
we have worked to suppress in "make" output.  The only thing that's
of any interest at all is the report that the "cube" test failed,
and you have managed to make it so that that report is pretty
voluminous and yet contains not one useful detail.  I still have
to go and look at other log files to figure out what happened;
and if I need to see the postmaster log, it's not even apparent
where that is.  I also wonder where, say, a core dump might wind up.

I'm failing to see any advance at all here over what we have now.
If anything, the signal-to-noise ratio has gotten worse.

                        regards, tom lane

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