new thread [was: WIP Patch: Add a function that returns binary JSONB as a bytea]

> I wrote:
> > We can also shave a
> > few percent by having pg_utf8_verifystr use SSE2 for the ascii path. I
> > can look into this.
> Here's a patch for that. If the input is mostly ascii, I'd expect that
> part of the flame graph to shrink by 40-50% and give a small boost
> overall.

Here is an updated patch using the new USE_SSE2 symbol. The style is
different from the last one in that each stanza has platform-specific
code. I wanted to try it this way because is_valid_ascii() is already
written in SIMD-ish style using general purpose registers and bit
twiddling, so it seemed natural to see the two side-by-side. Sometimes
they can share the same comment. If we think this is bad for
readability, I can go back to one block each, but that way leads to
duplication of code and it's difficult to see what's different for
each platform, IMO.

John Naylor
From 69d56a21192ed2f03bc08f078cfff7ba5cb0d80b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Naylor <>
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2022 13:30:47 +0700
Subject: [PATCH v2] Use SSE2 in is_valid_ascii where available.

This is ~40% faster than portable C on contemporary Intel hardware.
 src/common/wchar.c                       | 18 +++------
 src/include/mb/pg_wchar.h                | 50 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
 src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out |  3 +-
 src/test/regress/sql/conversion.sql      |  3 +-
 4 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/common/wchar.c b/src/common/wchar.c
index 1e6e198bf2..a305e0e66b 100644
--- a/src/common/wchar.c
+++ b/src/common/wchar.c
@@ -1918,26 +1918,20 @@ pg_utf8_verifystr(const unsigned char *s, int len)
 	const int	orig_len = len;
 	uint32		state = BGN;
- * Sixteen seems to give the best balance of performance across different
- * byte distributions.
- */
-#define STRIDE_LENGTH 16
-	if (len >= STRIDE_LENGTH)
+	if (len >= ASCII_CHECK_LEN)
-		while (len >= STRIDE_LENGTH)
+		while (len >= ASCII_CHECK_LEN)
 			 * If the chunk is all ASCII, we can skip the full UTF-8 check,
 			 * but we must first check for a non-END state, which means the
 			 * previous chunk ended in the middle of a multibyte sequence.
-			if (state != END || !is_valid_ascii(s, STRIDE_LENGTH))
-				utf8_advance(s, &state, STRIDE_LENGTH);
+			if (state != END || !is_valid_ascii(s, ASCII_CHECK_LEN))
+				utf8_advance(s, &state, ASCII_CHECK_LEN);
-			len -= STRIDE_LENGTH;
+			len -= ASCII_CHECK_LEN;
 		/* The error state persists, so we only need to check for it here. */
diff --git a/src/include/mb/pg_wchar.h b/src/include/mb/pg_wchar.h
index 011b0b3abd..cbb1dfe978 100644
--- a/src/include/mb/pg_wchar.h
+++ b/src/include/mb/pg_wchar.h
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 #ifndef PG_WCHAR_H
 #define PG_WCHAR_H
+#include "port/simd.h"
  * The pg_wchar type
@@ -704,25 +706,57 @@ extern WCHAR *pgwin32_message_to_UTF16(const char *str, int len, int *utf16len);
  * Verify a chunk of bytes for valid ASCII.
  * Returns false if the input contains any zero bytes or bytes with the
- * high-bit set. Input len must be a multiple of 8.
+ * high-bit set. Input len must be a multiple of the chunk size (8 or 16).
+ * Since the chunk size is platform-specific, we provide the ASCII_CHECK_LEN
+ * convenience macro for callers to pass for len.
 static inline bool
 is_valid_ascii(const unsigned char *s, int len)
 	const unsigned char *const s_end = s + len;
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+	__m128i		chunk,
+				error_cum = _mm_setzero_si128();
 	uint64		chunk,
 				highbit_cum = UINT64CONST(0),
 				zero_cum = UINT64CONST(0x8080808080808080);
+	/*
+	 * With two chunks, gcc can unroll the loop. Even if the compiler can
+	 * unroll a longer loop, it's not worth it because callers might have to
+	 * use a byte-wise algorithm if we return false.
+	 */
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+#define ASCII_CHECK_LEN (2 * sizeof(__m128i))
+#define ASCII_CHECK_LEN (2 * sizeof(uint64))
 	Assert(len % sizeof(chunk) == 0);
 	while (s < s_end)
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+		chunk = _mm_loadu_si128((const __m128i *) s);
 		memcpy(&chunk, s, sizeof(chunk));
+		/* Capture any zero bytes in this chunk. */
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+		/*
+		 * Set all bits in each lane of the error accumulator where input
+		 * bytes are zero.
+		 */
+		error_cum = _mm_or_si128(error_cum,
+								 _mm_cmpeq_epi8(chunk, _mm_setzero_si128()));
-		 * Capture any zero bytes in this chunk.
-		 *
 		 * First, add 0x7f to each byte. This sets the high bit in each byte,
 		 * unless it was a zero. If any resulting high bits are zero, the
 		 * corresponding high bits in the zero accumulator will be cleared.
@@ -734,13 +768,22 @@ is_valid_ascii(const unsigned char *s, int len)
 		 * because we check for those separately.
 		zero_cum &= (chunk + UINT64CONST(0x7f7f7f7f7f7f7f7f));
 		/* Capture all set bits in this chunk. */
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+		error_cum = _mm_or_si128(error_cum, chunk);
 		highbit_cum |= chunk;
 		s += sizeof(chunk);
+#ifdef USE_SSE2
+	/* Check if any lanes in the error accumulator got set. */
+	return _mm_movemask_epi8(error_cum) == 0;
 	/* Check if any high bits in the high bit accumulator got set. */
 	if (highbit_cum & UINT64CONST(0x8080808080808080))
 		return false;
@@ -750,6 +793,7 @@ is_valid_ascii(const unsigned char *s, int len)
 		return false;
 	return true;
 #endif							/* PG_WCHAR_H */
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out b/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out
index 442e7aff2b..434dc4d93c 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/conversion.out
@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ select description, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'utf8')).* from utf8_verificatio
 -- will contain all 4 bytes if they are present, so various
 -- expressions below add 3 ASCII bytes to the end to ensure
 -- consistent error messages.
--- The number 64 below needs to be at least the value of STRIDE_LENGTH in wchar.c.
+-- The number 64 below needs to equal or a multiple of the largest
+-- possible value of ASCII_CHECK_LEN in mb/pg_wchar.h.
 -- Test multibyte verification in fast path
 with test_bytes as (
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/conversion.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/conversion.sql
index 9a65fca91f..27ef069eaf 100644
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/conversion.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/conversion.sql
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ select description, (test_conv(inbytes, 'utf8', 'utf8')).* from utf8_verificatio
 -- will contain all 4 bytes if they are present, so various
 -- expressions below add 3 ASCII bytes to the end to ensure
 -- consistent error messages.
--- The number 64 below needs to be at least the value of STRIDE_LENGTH in wchar.c.
+-- The number 64 below needs to equal or a multiple of the largest
+-- possible value of ASCII_CHECK_LEN in mb/pg_wchar.h.
 -- Test multibyte verification in fast path
 with test_bytes as (

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