On 2022-08-09 03:30, Thomas Munro wrote:
Then our readlink() emulation removes it again, but in the case of
your \??\Volume{GUID} path, created by you, not our symlink()
emulation, removing "\??\" apparently makes it unopenable with
CreateFile() (I guess that's what fails? What's the error?). So your
patch just says: don't strip "\??\" if it's followed by "Volume".
Sorry, I thought wrong that everyone sees the backtrace on my screen.
Failes the CreateFile() function with fileName = "Volume{GUID}\" at [1].
And the GetLastError() returnes 2 (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND).
Call Stack:
initdb.exe!pgwin32_open_handle(const char * fileName, ...) Line 111 C
initdb.exe!_pglstat64(const char * name, stat * buf) Line 128 C
initdb.exe!_pgstat64(const char * name, stat * buf) Line 221 C
initdb.exe!pg_mkdir_p(char * path, int omode) Line 123 C
initdb.exe!create_data_directory() Line 2537 C
initdb.exe!initialize_data_directory() Line 2696 C
initdb.exe!main(int argc, char * * argv) Line 3102 C
I don't understand all the kinds of DOS, Windows and NT paths (let me
take a moment to say how much I love Unix), but here's a guess: could
it be that NT "\??\C:\foo" = DOS "C:\foo", but NT "\??\Volume..." =
DOS "\Volume..."? In other words, if it hasn't got a drive letter,
maybe it still needs an initial "\" (or if not that, then *something*
special, because otherwise it looks like a relative path).
It seems to me, when we call CreateFile() Windows Object Manager
DOS devices (drive letters in our case) in DOS Device namespaces.
But it doesn't search the "Volume{GUID}" devices which must be named as
"\\?\Volume{GUID}\" [2].
Would it be better to say: if it doesn't begin with "\??\X:", where X
could be any letter, then don't modify it?
I think it will be better.