Buildfarm animal conchuela recently started spitting a lot of warnings
like this one:

 conchuela     | 2022-08-06 12:35:46 | 
warning: 'format' attribute argument not supported: gnu_printf 

I first thought we'd broken something, but upon digging through the
buildfarm history, the oldest build showing these warnings is

The new commits in that build don't look related, but what does look
related is that the choice of C++ compiler changed:

configure: using compiler=gcc 8.3 [DragonFly] Release/2019-02-22
configure: using CXX=ccache clang++14


configure: using compiler=gcc 8.3 [DragonFly] Release/2019-02-22
configure: using CXX=g++

This is seemingly an intentional configuration change, because the
animal is reporting different config_env than before.  However,
we decide what to set PG_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE to based on what CC
likes, and if CXX doesn't like it then you'll get these warnings.
(The warnings only appear in C++ compiles, else there'd REALLY
be a lot of them.)

Is it worth the trouble to try to set PG_PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE differently
in C and C++ builds?  I doubt it.  Probably the right fix for this
is to use matched C and C++ compilers, either both clang or both gcc.
I fear that inconsistency could lead to bigger problems than some

                        regards, tom lane

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