Hi Nikita,

> I've reworked the patch set according to recommendations of Aleksander 
> Alekseev, Robert Haas
> and Matthias van de Meent, and decided, as it was recommended earlier, 
> include only the most
> important part in the first set. Also, I've added a large README on Pluggable 
> TOAST to sources,
> I'll be grateful for feedback on this README file. Also, some minor fixes 
> were included in patches.

Many thanks for accounting for the previous feedback. I will take a
look somewhere early next week.

> 0001 [...] This patch is presented by Teodor Sigaev and is already discussed 
> and marked as ready for commit
in a separate thread;

FYI it was merged, see 784cedda [1].

Also, you forgot the attachments :)

[1]: https://git.postgresql.org/gitweb/?p=postgresql.git;a=commit;h=784cedda

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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