On 7/20/22 13:10, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 6:35 PM Andrey Lepikhov
<a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
On 18/7/2022 13:22, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
I rewrote the decision logic to something much simpler and much less
invasive, which reduces the patch size significantly. Attached is an
updated patch. What do you think about that?
maybe you forgot this code:
* If a partition's root parent isn't allowed to use it, neither is the
* partition.
if (rootResultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert)
leaf_part_rri->ri_usesMultiInsert =
I think the patch accounts for that. Consider this bit to determine
whether to use batching for the partition chosen by
Analyzing multi-level heterogeneous partitioned configurations I
realized, that single write into a partition with a trigger will flush
buffers for all other partitions of the parent table even if the parent
haven't any triggers.
It relates to the code:
else if (insertMethod == CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL &&
* Flush pending inserts if this partition can't use
* batching, so rows are visible to triggers etc.
CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush(&multiInsertInfo, resultRelInfo);
Why such cascade flush is really necessary, especially for BEFORE and
INSTEAD OF triggers? AFTER Trigger should see all rows of the table, but
if it isn't exists for parent, I think, we wouldn't obligate to
guarantee order of COPY into two different tables.
Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional