On Wed, Jul 20, 2022 at 02:00:00PM +0900, Fujii Masao wrote:
> I reported two trouble cases; they are the cases where BASE_BACKUP
> is canceled and terminated, respectively. But you added the test
> only for one of them. Is this intentional?

Nope.  The one I have implemented was the fanciest case among the
two, so I just focused on it.

Adding an extra test to cover the second scenario is easier.  So I
have added one as of the attached, addressing your other comments
while on it.  I have also decided to add the tests at the bottom of
001_stream_rep.pl, as these are quicker than a node initialization.
From 2aa841a3dfb643a14d28e6d595703f14e98ad919 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz>
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2022 15:48:27 +0900
Subject: [PATCH v2] Add more TAP tests with BASE_BACKUP

 src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl | 55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl b/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl
index 86864098f9..b15dd6b29a 100644
--- a/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl
+++ b/src/test/recovery/t/001_stream_rep.pl
@@ -531,4 +531,59 @@ my $primary_data = $node_primary->data_dir;
 ok(!-f "$primary_data/pg_wal/$segment_removed",
 	"WAL segment $segment_removed recycled after physical slot advancing");
+note "testing pg_backup_start() followed by BASE_BACKUP";
+my $connstr = $node_primary->connstr('postgres') . " replication=database";
+# This test requires a replication connection with a database, as it mixes
+# a replication command and a SQL command.
+	[
+		'psql', '-c', "SELECT pg_backup_start('backup', true)",
+		'-c',   'BASE_BACKUP', '-d', $connstr
+	],
+	qr/a backup is already in progress in this session/,
+	'BASE_BACKUP cannot run in session already running backup');
+note "testing BASE_BACKUP cancellation";
+my $sigchld_bb_timeout =
+  IPC::Run::timer($PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::timeout_default);
+# This test requires a replication connection with a database, as it mixes
+# a replication command and a SQL command.  The first BASE_BACKUP is throttled
+# to give enough room for the cancellation running below.  The second command
+# for pg_backup_stop() should fail.
+my ($sigchld_bb_stdin, $sigchld_bb_stdout, $sigchld_bb_stderr) = ('', '', '');
+my $sigchld_bb = IPC::Run::start(
+	[
+		'psql', '-X', '-c', "BASE_BACKUP (CHECKPOINT 'fast', MAX_RATE 32);",
+		'-c',   'SELECT pg_backup_stop()',
+		'-d',   $connstr
+	],
+	'<',
+	\$sigchld_bb_stdin,
+	'>',
+	\$sigchld_bb_stdout,
+	'2>',
+	\$sigchld_bb_stderr,
+	$sigchld_bb_timeout);
+# The cancellation is issued once the database files are streamed and
+# the checkpoint issued at backup start completes.
+is( $node_primary->poll_query_until(
+		'postgres',
+		"SELECT pg_cancel_backend(a.pid) FROM "
+		  . "pg_stat_activity a, pg_stat_progress_basebackup b WHERE "
+		  . "a.pid = b.pid AND a.query ~ 'BASE_BACKUP' AND "
+		  . "b.phase = 'streaming database files';"),
+	"1",
+	"WAL sender sending base backup killed");
+# The psql command should fail on pg_backup_stop().
+ok( pump_until(
+		$sigchld_bb,         $sigchld_bb_timeout,
+		\$sigchld_bb_stderr, qr/backup is not in progress/),
+	'base backup cleanly cancelled');

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