On Wed, 6 Jul 2022 at 15:09, Dean Rasheed <dean.a.rash...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll post an update in a little while, but first, I found a bug, which
> revealed a pre-existing bug in transformLockingClause(). I'll start a
> new thread for that, since it'd be good to get that resolved
> independently of this patch.

Attached is an update with the following changes:

* Docs updated as suggested.
* transformLockingClause() updated to skip subquery and values rtes
without aliases.
* eref->aliasname changed to "unnamed_subquery" for subqueries without aliases.

diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 80bb8ad..410c80e
--- a/doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/ref/select.sgml
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ SELECT [ ALL | DISTINCT [ ON ( <replacea
     [ ONLY ] <replaceable class="parameter">table_name</replaceable> [ * ] [ [ AS ] <replaceable class="parameter">alias</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable class="parameter">column_alias</replaceable> [, ...] ) ] ]
                 [ TABLESAMPLE <replaceable class="parameter">sampling_method</replaceable> ( <replaceable class="parameter">argument</replaceable> [, ...] ) [ REPEATABLE ( <replaceable class="parameter">seed</replaceable> ) ] ]
-    [ LATERAL ] ( <replaceable class="parameter">select</replaceable> ) [ AS ] <replaceable class="parameter">alias</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable class="parameter">column_alias</replaceable> [, ...] ) ]
+    [ LATERAL ] ( <replaceable class="parameter">select</replaceable> ) [ [ AS ] <replaceable class="parameter">alias</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable class="parameter">column_alias</replaceable> [, ...] ) ] ]
     <replaceable class="parameter">with_query_name</replaceable> [ [ AS ] <replaceable class="parameter">alias</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable class="parameter">column_alias</replaceable> [, ...] ) ] ]
     [ LATERAL ] <replaceable class="parameter">function_name</replaceable> ( [ <replaceable class="parameter">argument</replaceable> [, ...] ] )
                 [ WITH ORDINALITY ] [ [ AS ] <replaceable class="parameter">alias</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable class="parameter">column_alias</replaceable> [, ...] ) ] ]
@@ -490,8 +490,8 @@ TABLE [ ONLY ] <replaceable class="param
         output were created as a temporary table for the duration of
         this single <command>SELECT</command> command.  Note that the
         sub-<command>SELECT</command> must be surrounded by
-        parentheses, and an alias <emphasis>must</emphasis> be
-        provided for it.  A
+        parentheses, and an alias can be provided in the same way as for a
+        table.  A
         <link linkend="sql-values"><command>VALUES</command></link> command
         can also be used here.
@@ -2041,6 +2041,16 @@ SELECT 2+2;
+  <refsect2>
+   <title>Omitting sub-<command>SELECT</command> aliases in <literal>FROM</literal></title>
+   <para>
+    According to the SQL standard, a sub-<command>SELECT</command> in the
+    <literal>FROM</literal> list must have an alias.  In
+    <productname>PostgreSQL</productname>, this alias may be omitted.
+   </para>
+  </refsect2>
    <title><literal>ONLY</literal> and Inheritance</title>
diff --git a/src/backend/parser/analyze.c b/src/backend/parser/analyze.c
new file mode 100644
index 8ed2c4b..6688c2a
--- a/src/backend/parser/analyze.c
+++ b/src/backend/parser/analyze.c
@@ -3291,7 +3291,7 @@ transformLockingClause(ParseState *pstat
 			foreach(rt, qry->rtable)
 				RangeTblEntry *rte = (RangeTblEntry *) lfirst(rt);
-				char	   *rtename;
+				char	   *rtename = rte->eref->aliasname;
 				if (!rte->inFromCl)
@@ -3302,15 +3302,22 @@ transformLockingClause(ParseState *pstat
 				 * name and needs to be skipped (otherwise it might hide a
 				 * base relation with the same name), except if it has a USING
 				 * alias, which *is* visible.
+				 *
+				 * Subquery and values RTEs without aliases are never visible
+				 * as relation names and must always be skipped.
-				if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN && rte->alias == NULL)
+				if (rte->alias == NULL)
-					if (rte->join_using_alias == NULL)
+					if (rte->rtekind == RTE_JOIN)
+					{
+						if (rte->join_using_alias == NULL)
+							continue;
+						rtename = rte->join_using_alias->aliasname;
+					}
+					else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY ||
+							 rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
-					rtename = rte->join_using_alias->aliasname;
-				else
-					rtename = rte->eref->aliasname;
 				if (strcmp(rtename, thisrel->relname) == 0)
diff --git a/src/backend/parser/gram.y b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
new file mode 100644
index 0523013..0f8d056
--- a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
+++ b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
@@ -13346,33 +13346,6 @@ table_ref:	relation_expr opt_alias_claus
 					n->lateral = false;
 					n->subquery = $1;
 					n->alias = $2;
-					/*
-					 * The SQL spec does not permit a subselect
-					 * (<derived_table>) without an alias clause,
-					 * so we don't either.  This avoids the problem
-					 * of needing to invent a unique refname for it.
-					 * That could be surmounted if there's sufficient
-					 * popular demand, but for now let's just implement
-					 * the spec and see if anyone complains.
-					 * However, it does seem like a good idea to emit
-					 * an error message that's better than "syntax error".
-					 */
-					if ($2 == NULL)
-					{
-						if (IsA($1, SelectStmt) &&
-							((SelectStmt *) $1)->valuesLists)
-							ereport(ERROR,
-									(errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
-									 errmsg("VALUES in FROM must have an alias"),
-									 errhint("For example, FROM (VALUES ...) [AS] foo."),
-									 parser_errposition(@1)));
-						else
-							ereport(ERROR,
-									(errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
-									 errmsg("subquery in FROM must have an alias"),
-									 errhint("For example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo."),
-									 parser_errposition(@1)));
-					}
 					$$ = (Node *) n;
 			| LATERAL_P select_with_parens opt_alias_clause
@@ -13382,23 +13355,6 @@ table_ref:	relation_expr opt_alias_claus
 					n->lateral = true;
 					n->subquery = $2;
 					n->alias = $3;
-					/* same comment as above */
-					if ($3 == NULL)
-					{
-						if (IsA($2, SelectStmt) &&
-							((SelectStmt *) $2)->valuesLists)
-							ereport(ERROR,
-									(errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
-									 errmsg("VALUES in FROM must have an alias"),
-									 errhint("For example, FROM (VALUES ...) [AS] foo."),
-									 parser_errposition(@2)));
-						else
-							ereport(ERROR,
-									(errcode(ERRCODE_SYNTAX_ERROR),
-									 errmsg("subquery in FROM must have an alias"),
-									 errhint("For example, FROM (SELECT ...) [AS] foo."),
-									 parser_errposition(@2)));
-					}
 					$$ = (Node *) n;
 			| joined_table
diff --git a/src/backend/parser/parse_clause.c b/src/backend/parser/parse_clause.c
new file mode 100644
index c655d18..5a18107
--- a/src/backend/parser/parse_clause.c
+++ b/src/backend/parser/parse_clause.c
@@ -404,16 +404,6 @@ transformRangeSubselect(ParseState *psta
 	Query	   *query;
-	 * We require user to supply an alias for a subselect, per SQL92. To relax
-	 * this, we'd have to be prepared to gin up a unique alias for an
-	 * unlabeled subselect.  (This is just elog, not ereport, because the
-	 * grammar should have enforced it already.  It'd probably be better to
-	 * report the error here, but we don't have a good error location here.)
-	 */
-	if (r->alias == NULL)
-		elog(ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias");
-	/*
 	 * Set p_expr_kind to show this parse level is recursing to a subselect.
 	 * We can't be nested within any expression, so don't need save-restore
 	 * logic here.
@@ -430,10 +420,14 @@ transformRangeSubselect(ParseState *psta
 	pstate->p_lateral_active = r->lateral;
-	 * Analyze and transform the subquery.
+	 * Analyze and transform the subquery.  Note that if the subquery doesn't
+	 * have an alias, it can't be explicitly selected for locking, but locking
+	 * might still be required (if there is an all-tables locking clause).
 	query = parse_sub_analyze(r->subquery, pstate, NULL,
-							  isLockedRefname(pstate, r->alias->aliasname),
+							  isLockedRefname(pstate,
+											  r->alias == NULL ? NULL :
+											  r->alias->aliasname),
 	/* Restore state */
diff --git a/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c b/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
new file mode 100644
index 926dcbf..4e63556
--- a/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
+++ b/src/backend/parser/parse_relation.c
@@ -1577,7 +1577,11 @@ addRangeTableEntryForRelation(ParseState
  * Then, construct and return a ParseNamespaceItem for the new RTE.
  * This is much like addRangeTableEntry() except that it makes a subquery RTE.
- * Note that an alias clause *must* be supplied.
+ *
+ * If the subquery does not have an alias, the auto-generated relation name in
+ * the returned ParseNamespaceItem will be marked as not visible, and so only
+ * unqualified references to the subquery columns will be allowed, and the
+ * relation name will not conflict with others in the pstate's namespace list.
 ParseNamespaceItem *
 addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(ParseState *pstate,
@@ -1587,7 +1591,6 @@ addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(ParseState
 							  bool inFromCl)
 	RangeTblEntry *rte = makeNode(RangeTblEntry);
-	char	   *refname = alias->aliasname;
 	Alias	   *eref;
 	int			numaliases;
 	List	   *coltypes,
@@ -1595,6 +1598,7 @@ addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(ParseState
 	int			varattno;
 	ListCell   *tlistitem;
+	ParseNamespaceItem *nsitem;
 	Assert(pstate != NULL);
@@ -1602,7 +1606,7 @@ addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(ParseState
 	rte->subquery = subquery;
 	rte->alias = alias;
-	eref = copyObject(alias);
+	eref = alias ? copyObject(alias) : makeAlias("unnamed_subquery", NIL);
 	numaliases = list_length(eref->colnames);
 	/* fill in any unspecified alias columns, and extract column type info */
@@ -1634,7 +1638,7 @@ addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(ParseState
 				 errmsg("table \"%s\" has %d columns available but %d columns specified",
-						refname, varattno, numaliases)));
+						eref->aliasname, varattno, numaliases)));
 	rte->eref = eref;
@@ -1665,8 +1669,15 @@ addRangeTableEntryForSubquery(ParseState
 	 * Build a ParseNamespaceItem, but don't add it to the pstate's namespace
 	 * list --- caller must do that if appropriate.
-	return buildNSItemFromLists(rte, list_length(pstate->p_rtable),
-								coltypes, coltypmods, colcollations);
+	nsitem = buildNSItemFromLists(rte, list_length(pstate->p_rtable),
+								  coltypes, coltypmods, colcollations);
+	/*
+	 * Mark it visible as a relation name only if it had a user-written alias.
+	 */
+	nsitem->p_rel_visible = (alias != NULL);
+	return nsitem;
@@ -2520,6 +2531,10 @@ addRangeTableEntryForENR(ParseState *pst
  * This is used when we have not yet done transformLockingClause, but need
  * to know the correct lock to take during initial opening of relations.
+ * Note that refname may be NULL (for a subquery without an alias), in which
+ * case the relation can't be locked by name, but it might still be locked if
+ * a locking clause requests that all tables be locked.
+ *
  * Note: we pay no attention to whether it's FOR UPDATE vs FOR SHARE,
  * since the table-level lock is the same either way.
@@ -2544,7 +2559,7 @@ isLockedRefname(ParseState *pstate, cons
 			/* all tables used in query */
 			return true;
-		else
+		else if (refname != NULL)
 			/* just the named tables */
 			ListCell   *l2;
diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
new file mode 100644
index 26cf4fa..513bf0f
--- a/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/adt/ruleutils.c
@@ -11725,7 +11725,11 @@ get_from_clause_item(Node *jtnode, Query
 		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_SUBQUERY ||
 				 rte->rtekind == RTE_VALUES)
-			/* Alias is syntactically required for SUBQUERY and VALUES */
+			/*
+			 * For a subquery, always print alias.  This makes the output SQL
+			 * spec-compliant, even though we allow the alias to be omitted on
+			 * input.
+			 */
 			printalias = true;
 		else if (rte->rtekind == RTE_CTE)
diff --git a/src/include/parser/parse_node.h b/src/include/parser/parse_node.h
new file mode 100644
index cf9c759..962ebf6
--- a/src/include/parser/parse_node.h
+++ b/src/include/parser/parse_node.h
@@ -246,8 +246,11 @@ struct ParseState
  * visible for qualified references) but it does hide their columns
  * (unqualified references to the columns refer to the JOIN, not the member
  * tables, so we must not complain that such a reference is ambiguous).
- * Various special RTEs such as NEW/OLD for rules may also appear with only
- * one flag set.
+ * Conversely, a subquery without an alias does not hide the columns selected
+ * by the subquery, but it does hide the auto-generated relation name (so the
+ * subquery columns are visible for unqualified references only).  Various
+ * special RTEs such as NEW/OLD for rules may also appear with only one flag
+ * set.
  * While processing the FROM clause, namespace items may appear with
  * p_lateral_only set, meaning they are visible only to LATERAL
diff --git a/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.addons b/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.addons
new file mode 100644
index 94f7d4a..e94da2a
--- a/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.addons
+++ b/src/interfaces/ecpg/preproc/ecpg.addons
@@ -449,12 +449,6 @@ ECPG: into_clauseINTOOptTempTableName bl
 						$$= cat2_str(mm_strdup("into"), $2);
 	| ecpg_into { $$ = EMPTY; }
-ECPG: table_refselect_with_parensopt_alias_clause addon
-	if ($2 == NULL)
-		mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias");
-ECPG: table_refLATERAL_Pselect_with_parensopt_alias_clause addon
-	if ($3 == NULL)
-		mmerror(PARSE_ERROR, ET_ERROR, "subquery in FROM must have an alias");
 ECPG: TypenameSimpleTypenameopt_array_bounds block
 	{	$$ = cat2_str($1, $2.str); }
 ECPG: TypenameSETOFSimpleTypenameopt_array_bounds block
diff --git a/src/test/regress/expected/subselect.out b/src/test/regress/expected/subselect.out
new file mode 100644
index 45c75ee..63d26d4
--- a/src/test/regress/expected/subselect.out
+++ b/src/test/regress/expected/subselect.out
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ SELECT * FROM ((SELECT 1 AS x)) ss;
 (1 row)
+ x | y 
+ 1 | 2
+(1 row)
@@ -196,6 +202,69 @@ SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field"
 (5 rows)
+-- Subselects without aliases
+ count 
+  2911
+(1 row)
+ count 
+  2911
+(1 row)
+SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM int4_tbl), (VALUES (123456)) WHERE f1 = column1;
+   f1   | column1 
+ 123456 |  123456
+(1 row)
+CREATE VIEW view_unnamed_ss AS
+SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT abs(f1) AS a1 FROM int4_tbl)),
+              (SELECT * FROM int8_tbl)
+  WHERE a1 < 10 AND q1 > a1 ORDER BY q1, q2;
+SELECT * FROM view_unnamed_ss;
+ a1 |        q1        |        q2         
+  0 |              123 |               456
+  0 |              123 |  4567890123456789
+  0 | 4567890123456789 | -4567890123456789
+  0 | 4567890123456789 |               123
+  0 | 4567890123456789 |  4567890123456789
+(5 rows)
+\sv view_unnamed_ss
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.view_unnamed_ss AS
+ SELECT unnamed_subquery.a1,
+    unnamed_subquery_1.q1,
+    unnamed_subquery_1.q2
+   FROM ( SELECT unnamed_subquery_2.a1
+           FROM ( SELECT abs(int4_tbl.f1) AS a1
+                   FROM int4_tbl) unnamed_subquery_2) unnamed_subquery,
+    ( SELECT int8_tbl.q1,
+            int8_tbl.q2
+           FROM int8_tbl) unnamed_subquery_1
+  WHERE unnamed_subquery.a1 < 10 AND unnamed_subquery_1.q1 > unnamed_subquery.a1
+  ORDER BY unnamed_subquery_1.q1, unnamed_subquery_1.q2
+DROP VIEW view_unnamed_ss;
+-- Test matching of locking clause to correct alias
+CREATE VIEW view_unnamed_ss_locking AS
+SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM int4_tbl), int8_tbl AS unnamed_subquery
+  WHERE f1 = q1
+  FOR UPDATE OF unnamed_subquery;
+\sv view_unnamed_ss_locking
+CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.view_unnamed_ss_locking AS
+ SELECT unnamed_subquery.f1,
+    unnamed_subquery_1.q1,
+    unnamed_subquery_1.q2
+   FROM ( SELECT int4_tbl.f1
+           FROM int4_tbl) unnamed_subquery,
+    int8_tbl unnamed_subquery_1
+  WHERE unnamed_subquery.f1 = unnamed_subquery_1.q1
+ FOR UPDATE OF unnamed_subquery_1
+DROP VIEW view_unnamed_ss_locking;
 -- Use some existing tables in the regression test
diff --git a/src/test/regress/sql/subselect.sql b/src/test/regress/sql/subselect.sql
new file mode 100644
index 94ba91f..4027670
--- a/src/test/regress/sql/subselect.sql
+++ b/src/test/regress/sql/subselect.sql
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ SELECT 1 AS zero WHERE 1 IN (SELECT 2);
 SELECT * FROM ((SELECT 1 AS x)) ss;
@@ -80,6 +82,35 @@ SELECT f1 AS "Correlated Field"
                      WHERE f3 IS NOT NULL);
+-- Subselects without aliases
+SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM int4_tbl), (VALUES (123456)) WHERE f1 = column1;
+CREATE VIEW view_unnamed_ss AS
+SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT abs(f1) AS a1 FROM int4_tbl)),
+              (SELECT * FROM int8_tbl)
+  WHERE a1 < 10 AND q1 > a1 ORDER BY q1, q2;
+SELECT * FROM view_unnamed_ss;
+\sv view_unnamed_ss
+DROP VIEW view_unnamed_ss;
+-- Test matching of locking clause to correct alias
+CREATE VIEW view_unnamed_ss_locking AS
+SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM int4_tbl), int8_tbl AS unnamed_subquery
+  WHERE f1 = q1
+  FOR UPDATE OF unnamed_subquery;
+\sv view_unnamed_ss_locking
+DROP VIEW view_unnamed_ss_locking;
 -- Use some existing tables in the regression test

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