
On 2022-07-04 14:55:43 +1200, Thomas Munro wrote:
> Right, as seen in the build farm at [1].  Also reproducible with something 
> like:
> @@ -269,6 +269,14 @@ dsm_impl_posix(dsm_op op, dsm_handle handle, Size
> request_size,
>                 return false;
>         }
> +       /* XXX random fault injection */
> +       if (op == DSM_OP_ATTACH && random() < RAND_MAX / 8)
> +       {
> +               close(fd);
> +               elog(ERROR, "chaos");
> +               return false;
> +       }
> +
> I must have thought that it was easy and practical to write no-throw
> straight-line code and be sure to reach dshash_release_lock(), but I
> concede that it was a bad idea: even dsa_get_address() can throw*, and
> you're often likely to need to call that while accessing dshash
> elements.  For example, in lookup_rowtype_tupdesc_internal(), there is
> a sequence dshash_find(), ..., dsa_get_address(), ...,
> dshash_release_lock(), and I must have considered the range of code
> between find and release to be no-throw, but now I know that it is
> not.
Yea - I'd go as far as saying that it's almost never feasible.

> > It's per-backend state at least and just used for assertions. We could 
> > remove
> > it. Or stop checking it in places where it could be set wrongly: 
> > dshash_find()
> > and dshash_detach() couldn't check anymore, but the rest of the assertions
> > would still be valid afaics?
> Yeah, it's all for assertions... let's just remove it.  Those
> assertions were useful to me at some stage in development but won't
> hold as well as I thought, at least without widespread PG_FINALLY(),
> which wouldn't be nice.

Hm. I'd be inclined to at least add a few more
Assert(!LWLockHeldByMe[InMode]()) style assertions. E.g. to

> @@ -572,13 +552,8 @@ dshash_release_lock(dshash_table *hash_table, void 
> *entry)
>       size_t          partition_index = PARTITION_FOR_HASH(item->hash);
>       Assert(hash_table->control->magic == DSHASH_MAGIC);
> -     Assert(hash_table->find_locked);
> -     Assert(LWLockHeldByMeInMode(PARTITION_LOCK(hash_table, partition_index),
> -                                                             
> hash_table->find_exclusively_locked
> -                                                             ? LW_EXCLUSIVE 
> : LW_SHARED));
> +     Assert(LWLockHeldByMe(PARTITION_LOCK(hash_table, partition_index)));
> -     hash_table->find_locked = false;
> -     hash_table->find_exclusively_locked = false;
>       LWLockRelease(PARTITION_LOCK(hash_table, partition_index));
>  }

This LWLockHeldByMe() doesn't add much - the LWLockRelease() will error out if
we don't hold the lock.


Andres Freund

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