On Thu, 23 Jun 2022 at 14:46, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2022 at 7:58 AM Simon Riggs
> <simon.ri...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> > Having a central cleanup process makes a lot of sense. There is a long
> > list of potential tasks for such a process. My understanding is that
> > autovacuum already has an interface for handling additional workload
> > types, which is how BRIN indexes are handled. Do we really need a new
> > process?
> It seems to me that if there's a long list of possible tasks for such
> a process, that's actually a trickier situation than if there were
> only one or two, because it may happen that when task X is really
> urgent, the process is already busy with task Y.
> I don't think that piggybacking more stuff onto autovacuum is a very
> good idea for this exact reason. We already know that autovacuum
> workers can get so busy that they can't keep up with the need to
> vacuum and analyze tables. If we give them more things to do, that
> figures to make it worse, at least on busy systems.
> I do agree that a general mechanism for getting cleanup tasks done in
> the background could be a useful thing to have, but I feel like it's
> hard to see exactly how to make it work well. We can't just allow it
> to spin up a million new processes, but at the same time, if it can't
> guarantee that time-critical tasks get performed relatively quickly,
> it's pretty worthless.

Most of the tasks mentioned aren't time critical.

I have no objection to a new auxiliary process to execute those tasks,
which can be spawned when needed.

Simon Riggs                http://www.EnterpriseDB.com/

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