On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 9:07 AM wangw.f...@fujitsu.com
<wangw.f...@fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Attach the new patches.
> Only changed patches 0001, 0004 and added new separate patch 0005.

Few questions/comments on 0001
In the commit message, I see: "We also need to allow stream_stop to
complete by the apply background worker to avoid deadlocks because
T-1's current stream of changes can update rows in conflicting order
with T-2's next stream of changes."

Thinking about this, won't the T-1 and T-2 deadlock on the publisher
node as well if the above statement is true?

+       <para>
+        The apply background workers are taken from the pool defined by
+        <varname>max_logical_replication_workers</varname>.
+       </para>
+       <para>
+        The default value is 3. This parameter can only be set in the
+        <filename>postgresql.conf</filename> file or on the server command
+        line.
+       </para>

Is there a reason to choose this number as 3? Why not 2 similar to

+  <para>
+   Setting streaming mode to <literal>apply</literal> could export invalid LSN
+   as finish LSN of failed transaction. Changing the streaming mode and making
+   the same conflict writes the finish LSN of the failed transaction in the
+   server log if required.
+  </para>

How will the user identify that this is an invalid LSN value and she
shouldn't use it to SKIP the transaction? Can we change the second
sentence to: "User should change the streaming mode to 'on' if they
would instead wish to see the finish LSN on error. Users can use
finish LSN to SKIP applying the transaction." I think we can give
reference to docs where the SKIP feature is explained.

+ * This file contains routines that are intended to support setting up, using,
+ * and tearing down a ApplyBgworkerState.
+ * Refer to the comments in file header of logical/worker.c to see more
+ * informations about apply background worker.

Typo. /informations/information.

Consider having an empty line between the above two lines.

+ApplyBgworkerState *
+apply_bgworker_find_or_start(TransactionId xid, bool start)
+ if (!TransactionIdIsValid(xid))
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * We don't start new background worker if we are not in streaming apply
+ * mode.
+ */
+ if (MySubscription->stream != SUBSTREAM_APPLY)
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * We don't start new background worker if user has set skiplsn as it's
+ * possible that user want to skip the streaming transaction. For
+ * streaming transaction, we need to spill the transaction to disk so that
+ * we can get the last LSN of the transaction to judge whether to skip
+ * before starting to apply the change.
+ */
+ if (start && !XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(MySubscription->skiplsn))
+ return NULL;
+ /*
+ * For streaming transactions that are being applied in apply background
+ * worker, we cannot decide whether to apply the change for a relation
+ * that is not in the READY state (see should_apply_changes_for_rel) as we
+ * won't know remote_final_lsn by that time. So, we don't start new apply
+ * background worker in this case.
+ */
+ if (start && !AllTablesyncsReady())
+ return NULL;

Can we move some of these starting checks to a separate function like

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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