> On Jun 14, 2022, at 14:10, Peter Eisentraut 
> <peter.eisentr...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> Conversely, why are we looking at the ICU version instead of the collation 
> version.  If we have recorded the collation as being version 1234, we need to 
> look through the available ICU versions (assuming we can load multiple ones 
> somehow) and pick the one that provides 1234.  It doesn't matter whether it's 
> the same ICU version that the collation was originally created with, as long 
> as the collation version stays the same.

Does Unicode CDLR provide (or even track) versioning of collation or other i18n 
functionality for individual locale settings? I’m thinking it might not even 
have that concept in the original source repo/data, but I might be remembering 

It would require not only watching for changes in the per-locale tailoring 
rules but also being cognizant of changes in root/DUCET behavior and 
understanding the impact of changes there.

(Common mistake I’ve seen folks make when comparing OS glibc versions is only 
looking at locale data, not realizing there have been changes to root behavior 
that didn’t involve any changes to local data files)


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