On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 9:26 AM Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> It's been some years since I had much to do with pg_filedump, but
> my recollection is that the size of the special space is only one
> part of its heuristics, because there already *are* collisions.

Right, there are collisions even today. The heuristics are kludgey,
but they work perfectly in practice. That's not just due to luck --
it's due to people making sure that they continued to work over time.

> Moreover, there already are per-AM magic numbers in there that
> it uses to resolve those cases.  They're not at the front though.
> Nobody has ever wanted to break on-disk compatibility just to make
> pg_filedump's page-type identification less klugy, so I find it
> hard to believe that the above suggestion isn't a non-starter.

There is no doubt that it's not worth breaking on-disk compatibility
just for pg_filedump. The important principle here is that
high-context page formats are bad, and should be avoided whenever

Why isn't it possible to avoid it here? We have all the bits we need
for it in the page header, and then some. Why should we assume that
it'll never be useful to apply encryption selectively, perhaps at the
relation level?

Peter Geoghegan

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