On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 9:32 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, May 30, 2022 at 11:13 AM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> >
> > On Wed, May 25, 2022 at 12:11 PM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> >
> > poc_add_regression_tests.patch adds regression tests for this bug. The
> > regression tests are required for both HEAD and back-patching but I've
> > separated this patch for testing the above two patches easily.
> >

Thank you for the comments.

> Few comments on the test case patch:
> ===============================
> 1.
> +# For the transaction that TRUNCATEd the table tbl1, the last decoding 
> decodes
> +# only its COMMIT record, because it starts from the RUNNING_XACT
> record emitted
> +# during the first checkpoint execution.  This transaction must be marked as
> +# catalog-changes while decoding the COMMIT record and the decoding
> of the INSERT
> +# record must read the pg_class with the correct historic snapshot.
> +permutation "s0_init" "s0_begin" "s0_savepoint" "s0_truncate"
> "s1_checkpoint" "s1_get_changes" "s0_commit" "s0_begin" "s0_insert"
> "s1_checkpoint" "s1_get_changes" "s0_commit" "s1_get_changes"
> Will this test always work? What if we get an additional running_xact
> record between steps "s0_commit" and "s0_begin" that is logged via
> bgwriter? You can mimic that by adding an additional checkpoint
> between those two steps. If we do that, the test will pass even
> without the patch because I think the last decoding will start
> decoding from this new running_xact record.

Right. It could pass depending on the timing but doesn't fail
depending on the timing. I think we need to somehow stop bgwriter to
make the test case stable but it seems unrealistic. Do you have any
better ideas?

> 2.
> +step "s1_get_changes" { SELECT data FROM
> pg_logical_slot_get_changes('isolation_slot', NULL, NULL,
> 'include-xids', '0'); }
> It is better to skip empty transactions by using 'skip-empty-xacts' to
> avoid any transaction from a background process like autovacuum. We
> have previously seen some buildfarm failures due to that.


> 3. Did you intentionally omit the .out from the test case patch?

No, I'll add .out file in the next version patch.

> 4.
> This transaction must be marked as
> +# catalog-changes while decoding the COMMIT record and the decoding
> of the INSERT
> +# record must read the pg_class with the correct historic snapshot.
> /marked as catalog-changes/marked as containing catalog changes



Masahiko Sawada
EDB:  https://www.enterprisedb.com/

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