On Fri, Jun 3, 2022 at 1:03 AM Zhihong Yu <z...@yugabyte.com> wrote:
> Suggestion on formatting the comment:
> + * node (or that for any plan node in the subplan tree), 2)
> + * set_plan_references() modifies the tlist for every plan node in the
> It would be more readable if `2)` is put at the beginning of the second line 
> above.
> + * preserves the length and order of the tlist, and 3) set_plan_references()
> + * might delete the topmost plan node like an Append or MergeAppend from the
> Similarly you can move `3) set_plan_references()` to the beginning of the 
> next line.

Seems like a good idea, so I updated the patch as you suggest.  I did
some indentation as well, which I think improves readability a bit
further.  Attached is an updated version.  If no objections, I’ll
commit the patch.

Thanks for reviewing!

Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita

Attachment: Improve-comments-for-trivial_subqueryscan-2.patch
Description: Binary data

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