Dilip Kumar <dilipbal...@gmail.com> writes:
> I don't think that the local pg_largeobject should maintain the
> foreign server's data, instead that the export should fetch the data
> from the remote's pg_largeobject table.  Then I just checked inserting
> into the foriegn from your test as shown below[1] and I noticed that
> the insert is also importing the large object into the local
> pg_largeobject instead of the remote server's pg_large object, which
> clearly seems broken to me. Basically, the actual row is inserted on
> the remote server and the large object w.r.t. the same row is imported
> in local pg_largeobject.

> insert into oid_table_ft 
> values(1,lo_import('/home/highgo/pictures/bird.jpg'));

For this example to "work", lo_import() would have to somehow know
that its result would get inserted into some foreign table and
then go create the large object on that table's server instead
of locally.

This is unlikely to happen, for about ten different reasons that
you should have no trouble understanding if you stop to think
about it.

                        regards, tom lane

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