> Thanks for the inspection. I understand what the ssh server is facing.
> I had already filled the filed with an (I beilive correct) openssh
> public key, but to make sure, I emptied the field "SSH key", waited
> for 20 minutes, then added a fresh pubkey and waited for 20 minutes.
> I tried both git.postgresql.org and gitmaster and don't have better
> luck. The server still says "I don't know you".
> regards.
> -- 
> Kyotaro Horiguchi
> NTT Open Source Software Center

Last year we faced a similar problem, namely, a new committer for
pgpool.git could not access the git repository (Permission denied
(publickey)). Magnus kindly advised following and it worked. Hope this

> 1. Log into the git server on https://git.postgresql.org/adm/. It
> should be an automatic log in and show the repository.
> 2. *then* go back to the main website and delete the ssh key
> 3. Now add the ssh key again on the main website
> 4. Wait 10-15 minutes and then it should work

Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php

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