Thomas Munro <> writes:
> I think it's a bug in pg_walinspect, so I'll move the discussion back
> here.  Here's one rather simple way to fix it, that has survived
> running the test a thousand times (using a recipe that failed for me
> quite soon, after 20-100 attempts or so; I never figured out how to
> get the 50% failure rate reported by Tom).

Not sure what we're doing differently, but plain "make check" in
contrib/pg_walinspect fails pretty consistently for me on gcc23.
I tried it again just now and got five failures in five attempts.

I then installed your patch and got the same failure, three times
out of three, so I don't think we're there yet.

Again, since I do have this problem in captivity, I'm happy
to spend some time poking at it.  But I could use a little
guidance where to poke, because I've not looked at any of
the WAL prefetch stuff.

                        regards, tom lane

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