On 3/22/22 06:54, Etsuro Fujita wrote:
On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 5:26 PM Andrey Lepikhov
<a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
We still have slow 'COPY FROM' operation for foreign tables in current
Now we have a foreign batch insert operation And I tried to rewrite the
patch [1] with this machinery.

The patch has been rewritten to something essentially different, but
no one reviewed it.  (Tsunakawa-san gave some comments without looking
at it, though.)  So the right status of the patch is “Needs review”,
rather than “Ready for Committer”?  Anyway, here are a few review
comments from me:

* I don’t think this assumption is correct:

@@ -359,6 +386,12 @@ CopyMultiInsertBufferFlush(CopyMultiInsertInfo *miinfo,
                  (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_after_row ||
+           /*
+            * AFTER ROW triggers aren't allowed with the foreign bulk insert
+            * method.
+            */
+           Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind !=

In postgres_fdw we disable foreign batch insert when the target table
has AFTER ROW triggers, but the core allows it even in that case.  No?

* To allow foreign multi insert, the patch made an invasive change to
the existing logic to determine whether to use multi insert for the
target relation, adding a new member ri_usesMultiInsert to the
ResultRelInfo struct, as well as introducing a new function
ExecMultiInsertAllowed().  But I’m not sure we really need such a
change.  Isn’t it reasonable to *adjust* the existing logic to allow
foreign multi insert when possible?
Of course, such approach would look much better, if we implemented it. I'll ponder how to do it.

I didn’t finish my review, but I’ll mark this as “Waiting on Author”.
I rebased the patch onto current master. Now it works correctly. I'll mark it as "Waiting for review".

Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional
From 2d51d0f5d94a3e4b3400714b5841228d1896fb56 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Andrey V. Lepikhov" <a.lepik...@postgrespro.ru>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 13:21:43 +0500
Subject: [PATCH] Implementation of a Bulk COPY FROM operation into foreign

 .../postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out    |  45 +++-
 contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql     |  47 ++++
 src/backend/commands/copyfrom.c               | 210 ++++++++----------
 src/backend/executor/execMain.c               |  45 ++++
 src/backend/executor/execPartition.c          |   8 +
 src/include/commands/copyfrom_internal.h      |  10 -
 src/include/executor/executor.h               |   1 +
 src/include/nodes/execnodes.h                 |   5 +-
 8 files changed, 237 insertions(+), 134 deletions(-)

diff --git a/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out b/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
index f210f91188..a803029f2f 100644
--- a/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
+++ b/contrib/postgres_fdw/expected/postgres_fdw.out
@@ -8415,6 +8415,7 @@ drop table loct2;
 -- ===================================================================
 -- test COPY FROM
 -- ===================================================================
+alter server loopback options (add batch_size '2');
 create table loc2 (f1 int, f2 text);
 alter table loc2 set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
 create foreign table rem2 (f1 int, f2 text) server loopback options(table_name 'loc2');
@@ -8437,7 +8438,7 @@ copy rem2 from stdin; -- ERROR
 ERROR:  new row for relation "loc2" violates check constraint "loc2_f1positive"
 DETAIL:  Failing row contains (-1, xyzzy).
 CONTEXT:  remote SQL command: INSERT INTO public.loc2(f1, f2) VALUES ($1, $2)
-COPY rem2, line 1: "-1	xyzzy"
+COPY rem2, line 2
 select * from rem2;
  f1 | f2  
@@ -8448,6 +8449,19 @@ select * from rem2;
 alter foreign table rem2 drop constraint rem2_f1positive;
 alter table loc2 drop constraint loc2_f1positive;
 delete from rem2;
+create table foo (a int) partition by list (a);
+create table foo1 (like foo);
+create foreign table ffoo1 partition of foo for values in (1)
+	server loopback options (table_name 'foo1');
+create table foo2 (like foo);
+create foreign table ffoo2 partition of foo for values in (2)
+	server loopback options (table_name 'foo2');
+create function print_new_row() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
+	begin raise notice '%', new; return new; end; $$;
+create trigger ffoo1_br_trig before insert on ffoo1
+	for each row execute function print_new_row();
+copy foo from stdin;
+NOTICE:  (1)
 -- Test local triggers
 create trigger trig_stmt_before before insert on rem2
 	for each statement execute procedure trigger_func();
@@ -8556,6 +8570,34 @@ drop trigger rem2_trig_row_before on rem2;
 drop trigger rem2_trig_row_after on rem2;
 drop trigger loc2_trig_row_before_insert on loc2;
 delete from rem2;
+alter table loc2 drop column f1;
+alter table loc2 drop column f2;
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+ERROR:  column "f1" of relation "loc2" does not exist
+CONTEXT:  remote SQL command: INSERT INTO public.loc2(f1, f2) VALUES ($1, $2), ($3, $4)
+COPY rem2, line 3
+alter table loc2 add column f1 int;
+alter table loc2 add column f2 int;
+select * from rem2;
+ f1 | f2 
+(0 rows)
+-- dropped columns locally and on the foreign server
+alter table rem2 drop column f1;
+alter table rem2 drop column f2;
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+(2 rows)
+alter table loc2 drop column f1;
+alter table loc2 drop column f2;
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+(4 rows)
 -- test COPY FROM with foreign table created in the same transaction
 create table loc3 (f1 int, f2 text);
@@ -8572,6 +8614,7 @@ select * from rem3;
 drop foreign table rem3;
 drop table loc3;
+alter server loopback options (drop batch_size);
 -- ===================================================================
 -- test for TRUNCATE
 -- ===================================================================
diff --git a/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql b/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
index 95b6b7192e..847b869629 100644
--- a/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
+++ b/contrib/postgres_fdw/sql/postgres_fdw.sql
@@ -2322,6 +2322,7 @@ drop table loct2;
 -- test COPY FROM
 -- ===================================================================
+alter server loopback options (add batch_size '2');
 create table loc2 (f1 int, f2 text);
 alter table loc2 set (autovacuum_enabled = 'false');
 create foreign table rem2 (f1 int, f2 text) server loopback options(table_name 'loc2');
@@ -2354,6 +2355,23 @@ alter table loc2 drop constraint loc2_f1positive;
 delete from rem2;
+create table foo (a int) partition by list (a);
+create table foo1 (like foo);
+create foreign table ffoo1 partition of foo for values in (1)
+	server loopback options (table_name 'foo1');
+create table foo2 (like foo);
+create foreign table ffoo2 partition of foo for values in (2)
+	server loopback options (table_name 'foo2');
+create function print_new_row() returns trigger language plpgsql as $$
+	begin raise notice '%', new; return new; end; $$;
+create trigger ffoo1_br_trig before insert on ffoo1
+	for each row execute function print_new_row();
+copy foo from stdin;
 -- Test local triggers
 create trigger trig_stmt_before before insert on rem2
 	for each statement execute procedure trigger_func();
@@ -2454,6 +2472,34 @@ drop trigger loc2_trig_row_before_insert on loc2;
 delete from rem2;
+alter table loc2 drop column f1;
+alter table loc2 drop column f2;
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+1	foo
+2	bar
+alter table loc2 add column f1 int;
+alter table loc2 add column f2 int;
+select * from rem2;
+-- dropped columns locally and on the foreign server
+alter table rem2 drop column f1;
+alter table rem2 drop column f2;
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
+alter table loc2 drop column f1;
+alter table loc2 drop column f2;
+copy rem2 from stdin;
+select * from rem2;
 -- test COPY FROM with foreign table created in the same transaction
 create table loc3 (f1 int, f2 text);
@@ -2467,6 +2513,7 @@ commit;
 select * from rem3;
 drop foreign table rem3;
 drop table loc3;
+alter server loopback options (drop batch_size);
 -- ===================================================================
 -- test for TRUNCATE
diff --git a/src/backend/commands/copyfrom.c b/src/backend/commands/copyfrom.c
index db6eb6fae7..ba5ccf8908 100644
--- a/src/backend/commands/copyfrom.c
+++ b/src/backend/commands/copyfrom.c
@@ -320,18 +320,43 @@ CopyMultiInsertBufferFlush(CopyMultiInsertInfo *miinfo,
 	cstate->line_buf_valid = false;
 	save_cur_lineno = cstate->cur_lineno;
-	/*
-	 * table_multi_insert may leak memory, so switch to short-lived memory
-	 * context before calling it.
-	 */
-	oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GetPerTupleMemoryContext(estate));
-	table_multi_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,
-					   slots,
-					   nused,
-					   mycid,
-					   ti_options,
-					   buffer->bistate);
-	MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+	if (resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE)
+	{
+		int sent = 0;
+		Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_BatchSize > 1 &&
+			   resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignBatchInsert != NULL &&
+			   resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->GetForeignModifyBatchSize != NULL);
+		/* Flush into foreign table or partition */
+		do {
+			int size = (resultRelInfo->ri_BatchSize < nused - sent) ?
+						resultRelInfo->ri_BatchSize : (nused - sent);
+			int inserted = size;
+			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignBatchInsert(estate,
+																 resultRelInfo,
+																 &slots[sent],
+																 NULL,
+																 &inserted);
+			sent += size;
+		} while (sent < nused);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/*
+		 * table_multi_insert may leak memory, so switch to short-lived memory
+		 * context before calling it.
+		 */
+		oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(GetPerTupleMemoryContext(estate));
+		table_multi_insert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,
+						   slots,
+						   nused,
+						   mycid,
+						   ti_options,
+						   buffer->bistate);
+		MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext);
+	}
 	for (i = 0; i < nused; i++)
@@ -343,6 +368,8 @@ CopyMultiInsertBufferFlush(CopyMultiInsertInfo *miinfo,
 			List	   *recheckIndexes;
+			Assert(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_FOREIGN_TABLE);
 			cstate->cur_lineno = buffer->linenos[i];
 			recheckIndexes =
@@ -541,13 +568,11 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 	CommandId	mycid = GetCurrentCommandId(true);
 	int			ti_options = 0; /* start with default options for insert */
 	BulkInsertState bistate = NULL;
-	CopyInsertMethod insertMethod;
 	CopyMultiInsertInfo multiInsertInfo = {0};	/* pacify compiler */
 	int64		processed = 0;
 	int64		excluded = 0;
 	bool		has_before_insert_row_trig;
 	bool		has_instead_insert_row_trig;
-	bool		leafpart_use_multi_insert = false;
 	Assert(list_length(cstate->range_table) == 1);
@@ -674,10 +699,43 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 	mtstate->resultRelInfo = resultRelInfo;
 	mtstate->rootResultRelInfo = resultRelInfo;
-	if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
-		resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert != NULL)
-		resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert(mtstate,
-														 resultRelInfo);
+	if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL)
+	{
+		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->GetForeignModifyBatchSize != NULL)
+			resultRelInfo->ri_BatchSize =
+				resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->GetForeignModifyBatchSize(resultRelInfo);
+		if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert != NULL)
+			resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->BeginForeignInsert(mtstate,
+															 resultRelInfo);
+	}
+	Assert(!target_resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert);
+	/*
+	 * It's generally more efficient to prepare a bunch of tuples for
+	 * insertion, and insert them in bulk, for example, with one
+	 * table_multi_insert() call than call table_tuple_insert() separately for
+	 * every tuple. However, there are a number of reasons why we might not be
+	 * able to do this.  For example, if there any volatile expressions in the
+	 * table's default values or in the statement's WHERE clause, which may
+	 * query the table we are inserting into, buffering tuples might produce
+	 * wrong results.  Also, the relation we are trying to insert into itself
+	 * may not be amenable to buffered inserts.
+	 *
+	 * Note: For partitions, this flag is set considering the target table's
+	 * flag that is being set here and partition's own properties which are
+	 * checked by calling ExecMultiInsertAllowed().  It does not matter
+	 * whether partitions have any volatile default expressions as we use the
+	 * defaults from the target of the COPY command.
+	 * Also, the COPY command requires a non-zero input list of attributes.
+	 * Therefore, the length of the attribute list is checked here.
+	 */
+	if (!cstate->volatile_defexprs &&
+		list_length(cstate->attnumlist) > 0 &&
+		!contain_volatile_functions(cstate->whereClause))
+		target_resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert =
+					ExecMultiInsertAllowed(target_resultRelInfo);
 	/* Prepare to catch AFTER triggers. */
@@ -706,83 +764,9 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 		cstate->qualexpr = ExecInitQual(castNode(List, cstate->whereClause),
-	/*
-	 * It's generally more efficient to prepare a bunch of tuples for
-	 * insertion, and insert them in one table_multi_insert() call, than call
-	 * table_tuple_insert() separately for every tuple. However, there are a
-	 * number of reasons why we might not be able to do this.  These are
-	 * explained below.
-	 */
-	if (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
-		(resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row ||
-		 resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_instead_row))
-	{
-		/*
-		 * Can't support multi-inserts when there are any BEFORE/INSTEAD OF
-		 * triggers on the table. Such triggers might query the table we're
-		 * inserting into and act differently if the tuples that have already
-		 * been processed and prepared for insertion are not there.
-		 */
-		insertMethod = CIM_SINGLE;
-	}
-	else if (proute != NULL && resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
-			 resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_new_table)
-	{
-		/*
-		 * For partitioned tables we can't support multi-inserts when there
-		 * are any statement level insert triggers. It might be possible to
-		 * allow partitioned tables with such triggers in the future, but for
-		 * now, CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush expects that any before row insert
-		 * and statement level insert triggers are on the same relation.
-		 */
-		insertMethod = CIM_SINGLE;
-	}
-	else if (resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL ||
-			 cstate->volatile_defexprs)
-	{
-		/*
-		 * Can't support multi-inserts to foreign tables or if there are any
-		 * volatile default expressions in the table.  Similarly to the
-		 * trigger case above, such expressions may query the table we're
-		 * inserting into.
-		 *
-		 * Note: It does not matter if any partitions have any volatile
-		 * default expressions as we use the defaults from the target of the
-		 * COPY command.
-		 */
-		insertMethod = CIM_SINGLE;
-	}
-	else if (contain_volatile_functions(cstate->whereClause))
-	{
-		/*
-		 * Can't support multi-inserts if there are any volatile function
-		 * expressions in WHERE clause.  Similarly to the trigger case above,
-		 * such expressions may query the table we're inserting into.
-		 */
-		insertMethod = CIM_SINGLE;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*
-		 * For partitioned tables, we may still be able to perform bulk
-		 * inserts.  However, the possibility of this depends on which types
-		 * of triggers exist on the partition.  We must disable bulk inserts
-		 * if the partition is a foreign table or it has any before row insert
-		 * or insert instead triggers (same as we checked above for the parent
-		 * table).  Since the partition's resultRelInfos are initialized only
-		 * when we actually need to insert the first tuple into them, we must
-		 * have the intermediate insert method of CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL to
-		 * flag that we must later determine if we can use bulk-inserts for
-		 * the partition being inserted into.
-		 */
-		if (proute)
-			insertMethod = CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL;
-		else
-			insertMethod = CIM_MULTI;
+	if (resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert)
 		CopyMultiInsertInfoInit(&multiInsertInfo, resultRelInfo, cstate,
 								estate, mycid, ti_options);
-	}
 	 * If not using batch mode (which allocates slots as needed) set up a
@@ -790,7 +774,7 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 	 * one, even if we might batch insert, to read the tuple in the root
 	 * partition's form.
-	if (insertMethod == CIM_SINGLE || insertMethod == CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL)
+	if (!resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert || proute)
 		singleslot = table_slot_create(resultRelInfo->ri_RelationDesc,
@@ -833,7 +817,7 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 		/* select slot to (initially) load row into */
-		if (insertMethod == CIM_SINGLE || proute)
+		if (!target_resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert || proute)
 			myslot = singleslot;
 			Assert(myslot != NULL);
@@ -841,7 +825,6 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 			Assert(resultRelInfo == target_resultRelInfo);
-			Assert(insertMethod == CIM_MULTI);
 			myslot = CopyMultiInsertInfoNextFreeSlot(&multiInsertInfo,
@@ -908,24 +891,14 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 				has_instead_insert_row_trig = (resultRelInfo->ri_TrigDesc &&
-				/*
-				 * Disable multi-inserts when the partition has BEFORE/INSTEAD
-				 * OF triggers, or if the partition is a foreign partition.
-				 */
-				leafpart_use_multi_insert = insertMethod == CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL &&
-					!has_before_insert_row_trig &&
-					!has_instead_insert_row_trig &&
-					resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine == NULL;
 				/* Set the multi-insert buffer to use for this partition. */
-				if (leafpart_use_multi_insert)
+				if (resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert)
 					if (resultRelInfo->ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer == NULL)
-				else if (insertMethod == CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL &&
-						 !CopyMultiInsertInfoIsEmpty(&multiInsertInfo))
+				else if (!CopyMultiInsertInfoIsEmpty(&multiInsertInfo))
 					 * Flush pending inserts if this partition can't use
@@ -955,7 +928,7 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 			 * rowtype.
 			map = resultRelInfo->ri_RootToPartitionMap;
-			if (insertMethod == CIM_SINGLE || !leafpart_use_multi_insert)
+			if (!resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert)
 				/* non batch insert */
 				if (map != NULL)
@@ -974,9 +947,6 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 				TupleTableSlot *batchslot;
-				/* no other path available for partitioned table */
-				Assert(insertMethod == CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL);
 				batchslot = CopyMultiInsertInfoNextFreeSlot(&multiInsertInfo,
@@ -1048,7 +1018,7 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 					ExecPartitionCheck(resultRelInfo, myslot, estate, true);
 				/* Store the slot in the multi-insert buffer, when enabled. */
-				if (insertMethod == CIM_MULTI || leafpart_use_multi_insert)
+				if (resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert)
 					 * The slot previously might point into the per-tuple
@@ -1127,11 +1097,8 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 	/* Flush any remaining buffered tuples */
-	if (insertMethod != CIM_SINGLE)
-	{
-		if (!CopyMultiInsertInfoIsEmpty(&multiInsertInfo))
-			CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush(&multiInsertInfo, NULL);
-	}
+	if (!CopyMultiInsertInfoIsEmpty(&multiInsertInfo))
+		CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush(&multiInsertInfo, NULL);
 	/* Done, clean up */
 	error_context_stack = errcallback.previous;
@@ -1152,12 +1119,11 @@ CopyFrom(CopyFromState cstate)
 	/* Allow the FDW to shut down */
 	if (target_resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
 		target_resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert != NULL)
-		target_resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert(estate,
-															  target_resultRelInfo);
+			target_resultRelInfo->ri_FdwRoutine->EndForeignInsert(estate,
+														target_resultRelInfo);
 	/* Tear down the multi-insert buffer data */
-	if (insertMethod != CIM_SINGLE)
-		CopyMultiInsertInfoCleanup(&multiInsertInfo);
+	CopyMultiInsertInfoCleanup(&multiInsertInfo);
 	/* Close all the partitioned tables, leaf partitions, and their indices */
 	if (proute)
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execMain.c b/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
index 473d2e00a2..8727c5ca89 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execMain.c
@@ -1257,9 +1257,54 @@ InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
 	resultRelInfo->ri_PartitionTupleSlot = NULL;	/* ditto */
 	resultRelInfo->ri_ChildToRootMap = NULL;
 	resultRelInfo->ri_ChildToRootMapValid = false;
+	resultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert = false;
 	resultRelInfo->ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer = NULL;
+ * ExecMultiInsertAllowed
+ *		Does this relation allow caller to use multi-insert mode when
+ *		inserting rows into it?
+ */
+ExecMultiInsertAllowed(const ResultRelInfo *rri)
+	/*
+	 * Can't support multi-inserts when there are any BEFORE/INSTEAD OF
+	 * triggers on the table. Such triggers might query the table we're
+	 * inserting into and act differently if the tuples that have already
+	 * been processed and prepared for insertion are not there.
+	 */
+	if (rri->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
+		(rri->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_before_row ||
+		 rri->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_instead_row))
+		return false;
+	/*
+	 * For partitioned tables we can't support multi-inserts when there are
+	 * any statement level insert triggers. It might be possible to allow
+	 * partitioned tables with such triggers in the future, but for now,
+	 * CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush expects that any before row insert and
+	 * statement level insert triggers are on the same relation.
+	 */
+	if (rri->ri_RelationDesc->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE &&
+		rri->ri_TrigDesc != NULL &&
+		rri->ri_TrigDesc->trig_insert_new_table)
+		return false;
+	if (rri->ri_FdwRoutine != NULL &&
+		(rri->ri_FdwRoutine->ExecForeignBatchInsert == NULL ||
+		rri->ri_BatchSize <= 1))
+		/*
+		 * Foreign tables don't support multi-inserts, unless their FDW
+		 * provides the necessary bulk insert interface.
+		 */
+		return false;
+	/* OK, caller can use multi-insert on this relation. */
+	return true;
  * ExecGetTriggerResultRel
  *		Get a ResultRelInfo for a trigger target relation.
diff --git a/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c b/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c
index 90ed1485d1..942bd506f8 100644
--- a/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c
+++ b/src/backend/executor/execPartition.c
@@ -661,6 +661,14 @@ ExecInitPartitionInfo(ModifyTableState *mtstate, EState *estate,
 	ExecInitRoutingInfo(mtstate, estate, proute, dispatch,
 						leaf_part_rri, partidx, false);
+	/*
+	 * If a partition's root parent isn't allowed to use it, neither is the
+	 * partition.
+	 */
+	if (rootResultRelInfo->ri_usesMultiInsert)
+		leaf_part_rri->ri_usesMultiInsert =
+			ExecMultiInsertAllowed(leaf_part_rri);
 	 * If there is an ON CONFLICT clause, initialize state for it.
diff --git a/src/include/commands/copyfrom_internal.h b/src/include/commands/copyfrom_internal.h
index 3df1c5a97c..1c733bb9a4 100644
--- a/src/include/commands/copyfrom_internal.h
+++ b/src/include/commands/copyfrom_internal.h
@@ -39,16 +39,6 @@ typedef enum EolType
 } EolType;
- * Represents the heap insert method to be used during COPY FROM.
- */
-typedef enum CopyInsertMethod
-	CIM_SINGLE,					/* use table_tuple_insert or fdw routine */
-	CIM_MULTI,					/* always use table_multi_insert */
-	CIM_MULTI_CONDITIONAL		/* use table_multi_insert only if valid */
-} CopyInsertMethod;
  * This struct contains all the state variables used throughout a COPY FROM
  * operation.
diff --git a/src/include/executor/executor.h b/src/include/executor/executor.h
index 82925b4b63..67d338920f 100644
--- a/src/include/executor/executor.h
+++ b/src/include/executor/executor.h
@@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ extern void InitResultRelInfo(ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo,
 							  Index resultRelationIndex,
 							  ResultRelInfo *partition_root_rri,
 							  int instrument_options);
+extern bool ExecMultiInsertAllowed(const ResultRelInfo *rri);
 extern ResultRelInfo *ExecGetTriggerResultRel(EState *estate, Oid relid,
 											  ResultRelInfo *rootRelInfo);
 extern List *ExecGetAncestorResultRels(EState *estate, ResultRelInfo *resultRelInfo);
diff --git a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
index 44dd73fc80..5617810279 100644
--- a/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
+++ b/src/include/nodes/execnodes.h
@@ -528,7 +528,10 @@ typedef struct ResultRelInfo
 	TupleConversionMap *ri_ChildToRootMap;
 	bool		ri_ChildToRootMapValid;
-	/* for use by copyfrom.c when performing multi-inserts */
+	/* True if okay to use multi-insert on this relation */
+	bool ri_usesMultiInsert;
+	/* Buffer allocated to this relation when using multi-insert mode */
 	struct CopyMultiInsertBuffer *ri_CopyMultiInsertBuffer;

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