Dear Wang,

Thank you for updating!

> > Do we need adding a test for them? I think it can be added to
> > Actually I tried to send PoC, but it does not finish to implement that.
> > I'll send if it is done.
> I'm not sure if it is worth it.
> Because the reproduced test of this bug might take some time and might risk
> making the build farm slow, so I am not sure if others would like the
> reproduced test of this bug.

I was taught from you that it may suggest that it is difficult to stabilize and
minimize the test. I withdraw the above.
I put some comments for v2, mainly cosmetic ones.

1. pgoutput_change
+       bool is_send = true;

My first impression is that is_send should be initialized to false,
and it will change to true when OutputPluginWrite() is called.

2. pgoutput_change
+                               {
+                                       is_send = false;
+                                       break;
+                               }

Here are too many indents, but I think they should be removed.
See above comment.

3. WalSndUpdateProgress
+               /*
+                * If half of wal_sender_timeout has lapsed without send 
message standby,
+                * send a keep-alive message to the standby.
+                */

The comment seems inconsistency with others.
Here is "keep-alive", but other parts are "keepalive".

4. ReorderBufferProcessTXN

Maybe these lines break 80-columns rule.

Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

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