On Sat, Feb 26, 2022 at 02:17:50PM +0530, Bharath Rupireddy wrote:
> A global min LSN of SendRqstPtr of all the sync standbys can be
> calculated and the async standbys can send WAL up to global min LSN.
> This is unlike what the v1 patch does i.e. async standbys will wait
> until the sync standbys report flush LSN back to the primary. Problem
> with the global min LSN approach is that there can still be a small
> window where async standbys can get ahead of sync standbys. Imagine
> async standbys being closer to the primary than sync standbys and if
> the failover has to happen while the WAL at SendRqstPtr isn't received
> by the sync standbys, but the async standbys can receive them as they
> are closer. We hit the same problem that we are trying to solve with
> this patch. This is the reason, we are waiting till the sync flush LSN
> as it guarantees more transactional protection.

Do you mean that the application of WAL gets ahead on your async standbys
or that the writing/flushing of WAL gets ahead?  If synchronous_commit is
set to 'remote_write' or 'on', I think either approach can lead to
situations where the async standbys are ahead of the sync standbys with WAL
application.  For example, a conflict between WAL replay and a query on
your sync standby could delay WAL replay, but the primary will not wait for
this conflict to resolve before considering a transaction synchronously
replicated and sending it to the async standbys.

If writing/flushing WAL gets ahead on async standbys, I think something is
wrong with the patch.  If you aren't sending WAL to async standbys until
it is synchronously replicated to the sync standbys, it should by
definition be impossible for this to happen.

If you wanted to make sure that WAL was not applied to async standbys
before it was applied to sync standbys, I think you'd need to set
synchronous_commit to 'remote_apply'.  This would ensure that the WAL is
replayed on sync standbys before the primary considers the transaction
synchronously replicated and sends it to the async standbys.

> Do you think allowing async standbys optionally wait for either remote
> write or flush or apply or global min LSN of SendRqstPtr so that users
> can choose what they want?

I'm not sure I follow the difference between "global min LSN of
SendRqstPtr" and remote write/flush/apply.  IIUC you are saying that we
could use the LSN of what is being sent to sync standbys instead of the LSN
of what the primary considers synchronously replicated.  I don't think we
should do that because it provides no guarantee that the WAL has even been
sent to the sync standbys before it is sent to the async standbys.  For
this feature, I think we always need to consider what the primary considers
synchronously replicated.  My suggested approach doesn't change that.  I'm
saying that instead of spinning in a loop waiting for the WAL to be
synchronously replicated, we just immediately send WAL up to the LSN that
is presently known to be synchronously replicated.

You do bring up an interesting point, though.  Is there a use-case for
specifying synchronous_commit='on' but not sending WAL to async replicas
until it is synchronously applied?  Or alternatively, would anyone want to
set synchronous_commit='remote_apply' but send WAL to async standbys as
soon as it is written to the sync standbys?  My initial reaction is that we
should depend on the synchronous replication setup.  As long as the primary
considers an LSN synchronously replicated, it would be okay to send it to
the async standbys.  I personally don't think it is worth taking on the
extra complexity for that level of configuration just yet.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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