Dear all When ingesting mobility (IoT) data into MobilityDB we transform very wide (2K attributes) car mobility data of high frequence (every tenth of a second) from flat format (e.g. CSV) into MobilityDB format in which there is a single record per trip and each of the signals is transformed into a temporal attribute (tbool, tint, tfloat, ttext, tgeompoint, tgeogpoint), which are temporal extensions of the corresponding PostgreSQL/PostGIS base types (bool, int, float, text, geometry, geography). All temporal types are stored using extended format, e.g., CREATE TYPE tfloat ( internallength = variable, [...] storage = extended, alignment = double, [...] );
Given that each temporal value can be very wide (on average 30K timestamped points/floats/text/... per trip) our first question is * Is extended the right storage for this ? Our second question is how all the 2K temporal attributes are stored, which may be * on a single table space * in one table space per attribute which in other words, relates to the question row vs column storage. Many thanks for your insight Esteban