On Thu, 6 Jan 2022 at 13:15, Finnerty, Jim <jfinn...@amazon.com> wrote:
> (Maxim) Re: -- If after upgrade page has no free space for special data, 
> tuples are
>        converted to "double xmax" format: xmin became virtual
>        FrozenTransactionId, xmax occupies the whole 64bit.
>        Page converted to new format when vacuum frees enough space.
> A better way would be to prepare the database for conversion to the 64-bit 
> XID format before the upgrade so that it ensures that every page has enough 
> room for the two new epochs (E bits).

Most software has a one-stage upgrade model. What you propose would
have us install 2 things, with a step in-between, which makes it
harder to manage.

> 1. Enforce the rule that no INSERT or UPDATE to an existing page will leave 
> less than E bits of free space on a heap page
> 2. Run an online and restartable task, analogous to pg_repack, that rewrites 
> and splits any page that has less than E bits of free space. This needs to be 
> run on all non-temp tables in all schemas in all databases.  DDL operations 
> are not allowed on a target table while this operation runs, which is 
> enforced by taking an ACCESS SHARE lock on each table while the process is 
> running. To mitigate the effects of this restriction, the restartable task 
> can be restricted to run only in certain hours.  This could be implemented as 
> a background maintenance task that runs for X hours as of a certain time of 
> day and then kicks itself off again in 24-X hours, logging its progress.
> When this task completes, the database is ready for upgrade to 64-bit XIDs, 
> and there is no possibility that any page has insufficient free space for the 
> special data.
> Would you agree that this approach would completely eliminate the need for a 
> "double xmax" representation?

I agree about the idea for scanning existing data blocks, but why not
do this AFTER upgrade?

1. Upgrade, with important aspect not-enabled-yet, but everything else
working - all required software is delivered in one shot, with fast
2. As each table is VACUUMed, we confirm/clean/groom data blocks so
each table is individually confirmed as being ready. The pace that
this happens at is under user control.
3. When all tables have been prepared, then restart to allow xid64 format usage

Simon Riggs                http://www.EnterpriseDB.com/

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