On Thu, Nov 25, 2021 at 04:04:23PM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
> I have not check the performance implication of that with a micro
> benchmark or the like, but I can get behind 0001 on consistency
> grounds between the backend and the frontend.

    /* Now create pg_control */
-   ControlFile->time = checkPoint.time;
    ControlFile->checkPoint = checkPoint.redo;
    ControlFile->checkPointCopy = checkPoint;
0001 has a mistake here, no?  The initial control file creation goes
through WriteControlFile(), and not update_controlfile(), so this
change means that we would miss setting up this timestamp for the
first time.

@@ -714,7 +714,6 @@ GuessControlValues(void)
    ControlFile.checkPointCopy.oldestActiveXid = InvalidTransactionId;

    ControlFile.state = DB_SHUTDOWNED;
-   ControlFile.time = (pg_time_t) time(NULL);
This one had better not be removed, either, as we require pg_resetwal
to guess a set of control file values.  Removing the one in
RewriteControlFile() is fine, on the contrary.

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