Hi All, While I was searching for methods to send the result of a query to the other side of the world, because it might be nice to go there once in a while, I noticed my best option, SSL compression, has been disabled as of version 14. Could someone please explain to me, why compression is being considered unsafe / insecure?
Transmissions to areas outside of Europe cost €5/mb at the moment and that makes SSL compression, or compression in general a vital component of d ata transmissions. Might the underlying reason be, that certain people have shown interest in my libpq/PQblockwrite algorithms ( https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/c7cccd0777f39c53b9514e3824badf276759fa87.camel%40cyberfiber.eu) but felt turned down and are now persuading me to trade the algorithms against SSL compression, than just say so please. I'll see what I can do. Best regards, Mischa Baars.