I think, it should support from/to numeric/bool/text only. If we want to have
casts to from numeric to other numeric types then it should be full set (int2,
int4, int8, float4, float8).
I was too optimistic about casting to/from text. It already exists and it works
by differ way from suggested casts:
1) select '"foo"'::jsonb::text; -> "foo" // with ""
2) select '123'::jsonb::text; -> 123
3) select '123'::jsonb::int4; -> 123
Seems, sometime it would be desirable result in 1) as just
'foo' without "" decoration, but we cannot have 2 different explicit casts for
the same types. So, I withdraw objections about text casting, but I still
believe that we need one of two variants:
1) numeric/bool
2) bool, numeric/all variants of numeric types
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teo...@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/