Thanks, Robert for reviewing the patch.

On Tue, Oct 12, 2021 at 11:09 PM Robert Haas <> wrote:

This is the only place where CHUNK_SIZE gets used, and I don't think I
> see any point to it. I think the 5th argument to LZ4F_compressUpdate
> could just be avail_in. And as soon as you do that then I think
> bbsink_lz4_archive_contents() no longer needs to be a loop.

Agree. Removed the CHUNK_SIZE and the loop.

> + /* First of all write the frame header to destination buffer. */
> + headerSize = LZ4F_compressBegin(mysink->ctx,
> + mysink->base.bbs_next->bbs_buffer,
> + mysink->base.bbs_next->bbs_buffer_length,
> + &mysink->prefs);
> + compressedSize = LZ4F_compressEnd(mysink->ctx,
> + mysink->base.bbs_next->bbs_buffer + mysink->bytes_written,
> + mysink->base.bbs_next->bbs_buffer_length - mysink->bytes_written,
> + NULL);
> I think there's some issue with these two chunks of code. What happens
> if one of these functions wants to write more data than will fit in
> the output buffer? It seems like either there needs to be some code
> someplace that ensures adequate space in the output buffer at the time
> of these calls, or else there needs to be a retry loop that writes as
> much of the data as possible, flushes the output buffer, and then
> loops to generate more output data. But there's clearly no retry loop
> here, and I don't see any code that guarantees that the output buffer
> has to be large enough (and in the case of LZ4F_compressEnd, have
> enough remaining space) either. In other words, all the same concerns
> that apply to LZ4F_compressUpdate() also apply here ... but in
> LZ4F_compressUpdate() you seem to BOTH have a retry loop and ALSO code
> to make sure that the buffer is certain to be large enough (which is
> more than you need, you only need one of those) and here you seem to
> have NEITHER of those things (which is not enough, you need one or the
> other).

Fair enough. I have made the change in the bbsink_lz4_begin_backup() to
make sure we reserve enough extra bytes for the header and the footer those
are written by LZ4F_compressBegin() and LZ4F_compressEnd() respectively.
The LZ4F_compressBound() when passed the input size as "0", would give
the upper bound for output buffer needed by the LZ4F_compressEnd().

How about instead using memset() to zero the whole thing and then
> omitting the zero initializations? That seems like it would be less
> fragile, if the upstream structure definition ever changes.

Made this change.

Please review the patch, and let me know your comments.

Jeevan Ladhe

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