On 3 March 2018 at 05:30, Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski <m...@komzpa.net> 
> Our options were:
>  - partitioning. Not entirely trivial when your id is uuid. To get visible
> gains, we need to make sure each driver gets their own partition. That would
> leave us with 50 000(+) tables, and rumors say that in that's what is done
> in some bigger taxi service, and relcache then eats up all the RAM and
> system OOMs.

It's a good job someone invented HASH partitioning then.

It would be interesting to hear how your benchmarks go using current
master + the faster partition pruning patchset [1].  Currently, HASH
partitioning does exist in master, just there's no partition pruning
for the non-matching partitions, which is why you need [1].

I think trying with something like 500-1000 partitions might be a good
place to start.


 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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